
  • 网络swat valley
  1. 斯瓦特河谷在巴基斯坦北部。

    The Swat Valley is in the northern part of Pakistan .

  2. 斯瓦特河谷位于哪个国家?

    The Swat Valley is located in what country ?

  3. 她看过《纽约时报》拍摄的纪录片《斯瓦特河谷的最后一堂课》,然后想办法找到了我们。

    She had seen the New York Times documentary Class Dismissed in Swat Valley and tracked us down .

  4. 西北边境省的新闻部长预计,多达50万人可能逃离斯瓦特河谷。

    The information minister for the North-West Frontier province predicted as many as500,000 people may flee the Swat Valley .

  5. 但是,斯瓦特河谷地区一些巴基斯坦居民告诉美国电视网络,他们对美国的洪水救援表示感激。

    But some Pakistani residents in the Swat Valley told a US television network they are for US flood relief .

  6. 他们完全不知道我的个性有多保守,也不知道斯瓦特河谷的少女通常穿些什么。

    They had no idea how conservative I was or what a teenage girl from the Swat Valley would wear .

  7. 塔利班好战分子威胁称将袭击巴基斯坦的城市来报复军队在斯瓦特河谷的攻击。

    Taliban militants have threatened to attack cities in Pakistan in retaliation for the army 's offensive in the Swat Valley .

  8. 而事实上,我却身在一个离我的故乡——巴基斯坦的斯瓦特河谷有五小时时差的国家。

    Instead I am in a country which is five hours behind my beloved homeland Pakistan and my home in the Swat Valley .

  9. 当塔利班来到斯瓦特河谷并实行残酷统治的时候,马拉拉才十岁。

    AZUZ : Malala Yousafzai was 10 years old when the Taliban arrived in the Swat Valley and started imposing its harsh rules .

  10. 政府和联合国的消息来源将那些自去年8月在斯瓦特河谷以及巴基斯坦西北部其他地区流离失所的难民人数确定为130万人。

    Government and UN sources put the number of people displaced in the Swat Valley and other areas in northwest Pakistan at 1.3 million since last August .

  11. 很多人认为那里是塔利班头目拜图拉。马苏德的据点。虽然军方并不排除未来对那里进行军事进攻,阿巴斯说,军队现在的重点是斯瓦特河谷。

    And while the military is not ruling out a future military offensive there , Abbas said , right now , the army 's focus is in Swat Valley .

  12. 巴基斯坦安全部队在西北部的马拉坎地区同塔利班战斗人员交战已经一个多星期,但巴基斯坦军队基本上避免进入在斯瓦特河谷的激进分子大本营。

    Security forces have been battling with Taliban fighters for more than a week in the northwest Malakand division , but troops have largely avoided entering the militant stronghold in Swat Valley .

  13. 有一天,艾哈迈德·沙赫收到一条匿名恐吓信息:他们要杀死他。因为有一段时间,他住在伊斯兰堡,试图引发社会对发生在斯瓦特河谷的这一系列悲剧的关注。

    One day Ahmad Shah received a warning from unknown people that they would kill him , so for a while he left for Islamabad to try to raise awareness there of what was happening to our valley .

  14. 巴基斯坦好战分子伏击了奉命紧急赶往首都附近布内尔地区的准军事武装。该地区最近被来自斯瓦特河谷的塔利班势力占领。

    Pakistani Forces Deploy in New Region Infiltrated by Taliban Militants in Pakistan have ambushed paramilitary forces who were being rushed to a region near the capital that was recently overrun by Taliban forces from the nearby Swat valley .

  15. 欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐说,欧盟已决定再次拨出近9000万美元的人道援助资金,帮助在巴基斯坦西北部的斯瓦特河谷等地区政府军打击猖獗的塔利班武装分子等战斗中流离失所的平民。

    European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the EU has decided to earmark nearly $ 90 million in new humanitarian aid for people displaced by the conflict in Pakistan 's northwestern Swat valley and other areas where the government is fighting a fierce Taliban insurgency .