
  • 网络Swat valley
  1. 她的努力工作鼓舞了斯瓦特山谷的许多年轻女孩。

    Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley .

  2. 在塔利班(Taliban)领导人禁止女童接受教育之后,尤萨夫扎伊没有关闭他在巴基斯坦斯瓦特山谷(SwatValley)开办的女子学校,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)在2009年拍摄的优秀纪录片记录了他的这种勇敢行为。

    The extraordinary 2009 New York Times documentary follows Mr Yousafzai 's courageous efforts to keep his school in Pakistan 's Swat Valley open after Taliban leaders ordered an end to girls " education .

  3. 每周,她都会通过Skype与巴基斯坦的一个儿时朋友聊上数小时,了解斯瓦特山谷女孩受教育的状况,以及家乡的小道消息。

    She spends hours on Skype each week with a childhood friend in Pakistan , catching up on girls ' education efforts in the Swat Valley but also hometown gossip .

  4. 巴基斯坦军队已经在斯瓦特山谷及南瓦齐里斯坦发动攻击。

    The Pakistani army has waged an offensive in Swat and South Waziristan .

  5. 塔利班极端分子对斯瓦特山谷地区的控制已有三年多。

    The Swat Valley was under the control of Taliban extremists for more than three years .

  6. 不同于巴基斯坦的斯瓦特山谷,教室位于伯明翰埃迪森高中的私人大厅。

    Swapping the classroom of Pakistani Swart Valley , the private halls of Birmingham 's Edgbaston High School .

  7. 过去两年来,巴基斯坦政府军在斯瓦特山谷几次大举进攻,目的就是要控制住塔利班极端份子。

    The Pakistani military has launched several offensives in Swat in the past two years to rein in Taliban extremists .

  8. 在巴基斯坦事端频发的斯瓦特山谷地区,塔利班激进分子说,他们将无限期延长同政府的停火。

    Pakistani Taliban militants in the country 's troubled Swat valley say they are indefinitely extending a cease-fire with the government .

  9. 巴基斯坦士兵已经清剿了斯瓦特山谷和周边大部分地区。但是他们说仍会遭遇一些抵抗。

    Pakistani soldiers have cleared much of the Swat valley and surrounding areas but they say there are still pockets of resistance .

  10. 在巴基斯坦的城市明格那紧挨着斯瓦特山谷,而塔利班在2008年接管这一地区。

    The city of Mingora in Pakistan sea next Swat Valley , this is the region the Taliban took over in 2008 .

  11. 在国际社会的强烈批评和压力下,巴基斯坦政府军在5月初发动了一次主要攻势,夺取了斯瓦特山谷和周边地区。

    Under intense international criticism and pressure the Pakistan army launched a major offensive in early May to secure Swat and surrounding districts .

  12. 预计这一地区的塔利班领导人法兹鲁拉将很快宣布停火的条件。斯瓦特山谷地区的居民欢迎几个月激战的结束,交战是在大约三千名激进分子和一万多名巴勒斯坦军人间展开的。

    Residents of Swat valley have welcomed an end to months of heavy fighting between an estimated 3000 militants and more than 10000 Pakistani troops .

  13. 联合国儿童基金会报告,大约有200万人为了躲避巴基斯坦斯瓦特山谷战斗而流离失所,其中将近一半是儿童。

    The U.N. Children 's Fund reports nearly half of the estimated two million people displaced by conflict in Pakistan 's Swat Valley are children .

  14. 在这尊公元二世纪左右的石像石雕上,描绘的是佛祖的足迹和其他一些佛教象征的符号。该石像曾于斯瓦特山谷被盗,后来辗转流落到了美国。

    The 2nd Century piece , depicting Buddha 's footprints alongside religious symbols , was taken from the Swat Valley and eventually smuggled into the US .

  15. 去年10月9日,在巴基斯坦西北边境省的斯瓦特山谷,塔利班武装分子登上了玛拉拉所乘坐的校车。

    On October 9 last year , fighters from the Taliban forces in the Swat Valley district in the Northwest Frontier Province boarded her school bus .

  16. 一些分析人士担心,这项协议将默许塔利班控制斯瓦特山谷,这会进一步扩大塔利班在巴基斯坦西北交战地区的控制范围。

    Some analysts have worried the agreement could implicitly sanction the Taliban 's takeover of Swat , further expanding Taliban-held territory in Pakistan 's embattled northwest .

  17. 动荡的斯瓦特山谷警方说,塔利班激进分子烧毁了位于马拉姆贾巴的阿富汗唯一的滑雪度假地的一家国营饭店。

    Police in the troubled Swat Valley said Taliban militants have burned down a state-run hotel in the country 's only ski resort at Malam Jaba .

  18. 洪水冲毁了该省数百座房屋、桥梁和道路,其中包括白沙瓦、斯瓦特山谷和查沙达地区。

    Hundreds of homes , bridges and roadways have been destroyed in the province , including the areas of Peshawar , Swat Valley and the Charsadda district .

  19. 这次袭击发生在斯瓦特山谷主要城市明戈拉镇。自从去年军方清剿了该地区大部分的反叛分子后,明戈拉镇相对比较平静。

    The attack occurred in Swat 's main city Mingora , which has been relatively calm since last year 's army offensive largely drove out Taliban militants .

  20. 最近几个月来,塔利班激进分子取得了对斯瓦特山谷的控制权,他们杀死了公开反对塔利班的居民,并炸毁了那些被指控为巴军队前哨基地的学校。

    In recent months Taliban militants had taken control of much of the valley , killing outspoken residents and blowing up schools accused of serving as army outposts .

  21. 救援人员已表示非常担心,斯瓦特山谷居民和附近布内尔市及迪尔地区的其他平民无法逃离激烈的战火。

    Aid workers have expressed concern that Swat residents and other civilians fleeing ongoing operations in nearby Buner and Dir districts have been unable to escape the heavy fighting .

  22. 拉赫曼说,这是巴基斯坦公众发生的一个新进展,这也和在斯瓦特山谷对塔利班发动一个月的军事行动有关。

    Rehman says this is a new development among the Pakistani public , one that is linked to the month-long military offensive against the Taliban in the Swat Valley .

  23. 在夺回斯瓦特山谷控制权的战斗中,武装分子曾危险地靠近巴基斯坦几处公开的核设施,西方国家为此感到担心。

    During the battle to retake control of Swat , Pakistani leaders faced concerns from the west over militants coming precariously close to some of the country 's known nuclear locations .

  24. 过赴两年来,巴基斯坦军方向斯瓦特山谷的塔利班集团发动了两次进攻,但是并没有把塔利班赶出斯瓦特山谷,每一次进攻行动后,塔利班又卷土重来,然而而且气焰更为嚣张。

    Two previous military offensives in the last two years against the Swat Taliban failed to push them from the valley , and after each time the militants returned even stronger .

  25. 据报道,在颇具争议的斯瓦特山谷和平协议磋商的过程中,当地领导人曾请求省政府增派警力和准军事部队,但这个要求遭遇忽视。

    Local leaders had reportedly asked the provincial government earlier for extra police and paramilitary troops when the controversial peace agreement in Swat was being negotiated but the request was ignored .

  26. 在政府签署和平协议,同意在附近的斯瓦特山谷以及西北部其它地区实行伊斯兰法不久之后,几伙激进分子上星期渗透到布内尔区。

    Groups of militants infiltrated Buner last week , shortly after the government signed a peace deal to establish Islamic law in nearby Swat valley and other parts of the northwest .

  27. 他说,巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里试图让他相信,那项协议是为了维护斯瓦特山谷地区的稳定而采取的一项“临时性”措施。

    Holbrooke , who recently toured the region , said Pakistan 's President Ali Zardari sought to assure him that the agreement is an " interim " measure aimed at stabilizing the region .

  28. 巴基斯坦当局说,安全部队扣押了塔利班发言人穆斯林.可汗和其他四名主要激进分子指挥官。他们称这是在斯瓦特山谷主要城镇明戈拉外的一次“成功的”军事突袭。

    Pakistani authorities say security forces detained Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan and four other key militant commanders in what they are describing " a successful " military raid just outside the main town of Mingora in the Swat Valley .

  29. 恐怖袭击事件可能令巴基斯坦感到难堪,因为近来武装分子在该国北部斯瓦特(Swat)山谷接连遭受打击,巴基斯坦政府因此声称自己正赢得针对伊斯兰极端组织的斗争。

    It is likely to embarrass Pakistan after a recent series of setbacks for the militants in the northern Swat valley led the government to claim it was winning the battle against the Islamist group .