
  • 网络Marshall;George Marshall;John Marshall;ALFRED MARSHALL;A.Marshall
  1. 首相称马歇尔议员为“怪人”。

    The Prime Minister called Councillor Marshall ' a crank '

  2. 马歇尔在接手家族企业之前接受了培养。

    Marshall was groomed to run the family companies .

  3. 已作出对马歇尔进行处罚的决定。

    A decision was taken to discipline Marshall

  4. 自从遇见杰西卡,马歇尔就不再与其他女孩胡来了。

    Marshall stopped fooling around with other girls when he met jessica .

  5. 基于Web的数据采集系统在沥青混合料马歇尔稳定度试验仪上的应用

    Application of Data Acquisition System Based on Web in Bituminous Mixtures MLS Stabilization Experiment Apparatus

  6. 本文作者是美国的德国马歇尔基金会(GermanMarshallFund)亚洲高级研究员

    The writer is senior fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States

  7. 我向一位澳大利亚投行家讲述了马歇尔推出London手机的事,他成天听科技界的新秀向他推销自己。

    I told an Australian investment banker , who spends his day taking pitches from technology hopefuls , about the Marshall London .

  8. 并在对资产泡沫界定的基础上,分别采用马歇尔K值系数和金融相关比率作为资产泡沫的衡量指标,对资产泡沫与动态效率之间的关联性进行了实证分析。

    The part on the basis of defining asset bubbles , respectively use K-Coefficient of Marshall and FIR as the measure of asset bubbles .

  9. 历史上的今天-加利福尼亚淘金潮1848年的今天,加利福尼亚淘金潮:詹姆斯•W•马歇尔在萨克拉曼多的萨特磨坊附近发现金块

    California Gold Rush 1848 - California Gold Rush : James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter 's Mill near Sacramento .

  10. 回顾50年前的经历,在希腊的马歇尔规划人吉姆·沃伦(JimWarren)仍按捺不住喜悦之情

    Fifty years after the great experience , Jim Warren , a Marshall planner in Greece , rejoiced

  11. 泡沫经济指标测度有金融相关率、马歇尔K值系数、市盈率比率和Q值等。

    The estimating indexes of bubbling economy include financial interrelations ratio , Marshall 's " K ", P / E ratio , Tobin 's Q , etc.

  12. 文中首先对汇率变动对外贸影响的主要理论弹性论进行分析,着重探讨马歇尔勒纳条件和J曲线效应,并加以评述。

    Firstly , it analyses the main trade theory & Elasticity Approach , and then focuses on Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-curve effects .

  13. 本文通过马歇尔&勒拿条件和J曲线效应分析了贬值对森工产品国际收支的影响。

    The author analyses how devaluation improves the balance of international payments of forest industrial product through Marshall-Lerner Condition and J-Curve Effect .

  14. Common和Day将会演绎电影《马歇尔》中的歌曲《StandUpForSomething》还有Settle会演唱电影《马戏之王》中的歌曲《Thisisme》。

    Common and Day will perform " Stand Up For Something " from " Marshall " and Settle will perform " This is Me " from " The Greatest Showman . "

  15. 正如媒体理论家马歇尔麦克卢汉(MarshallMcLuhan)所言:业余者承担得起失败的代价。

    As Marshall McLuhan , the media theorist , said : Amateurs can afford to lose .

  16. 2001年,他对僵化刻板的学术界不再抱有任何幻想,于是接受了马歇尔学会(MarshallInstitute)的一份主管工作。该学会是一个位于华盛顿的保守派环保智库。

    In 2001 , disenchanted with the insularity of academia , he accepted an executive job at the Marshall Institute , a conservative environmental think-tank in Washington .

  17. 通过沥青混合料的马歇尔稳定度试验与CPN车辙试验证实了以上结论的正确性。

    These conclusions are then proved by Marshall stability test and CPN rutting test of asphalt mixtures .

  18. 发现幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,以下简称Hp)导致慢性胃炎和消化性溃疡,是沃伦和马歇尔获得2005年诺贝尔医学奖的原因。

    R. Warren and B.J. Marshall got 2005 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for their discover of Helicobacter pylori and its role in chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer .

  19. 通过粘附性、马歇尔稳定度、残留稳定度等试验,讨论了SBS改性沥青耐海水及硫酸盐溶液侵蚀性能。

    The effect of water stability on SBS modified asphalt in seawater and aqueous sulphate is studied using the way of the cohesiveness , Marshall Stability and remnant stability .

  20. 采用SGC法设计的沥青混合料的抗车辙能力要优于采用马歇尔法的;

    The asphalt mixture designed by SGC method has superior resistance to rut to the one by Marshall method ;

  21. 后者的结果更为正面,它带来了马歇尔计划(marshallplan),为德国经济奇迹和欧洲大陆其它地方恢复经济提供了资金,最终导致了欧盟(eu)的建立。

    The latter , far more positive , resulted in the Marshall plan that financed the German wirtschafts-wunder and economic revival across the rest of the continent , which led to the eventual establishment of the EU .

  22. 对此级配分别采用马歇尔、SGC方法确定最佳沥青用量,并进行路用性能试验。

    The author respectively adopted Marshall and SGC to design the optimal asphalt content , meanwhile conducted pavement performance tests .

  23. 浸水马歇尔试验、冻融劈裂试验以及低温小梁弯曲试验的研究结果表明,沥青混合料的水稳定性、低温性能受RA抗车辙剂的影响很小。

    Immersion Marshall test , freeze-thaw splitting test and low temperature trabecular bending test results show that RA anti-rutting agent almost no effect to the water stability and low temperature performance of the asphalt mixture .

  24. 在最近举行的首届伊斯坦布尔论坛(IstanbulForum)上,埃尔多安阐明了这一战略。这个论坛由土耳其战略交流中心主办,并得到美国的德国马歇尔基金会(GermanMarshallFund)的支持。

    Mr Erdogan set out the strategy at the inaugural meeting this week of the Istanbul Forum , hosted by Turkey 's Centre for Strategic Communication , and supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States .

  25. 罗斯被内部停职后,布兰德干脆辞去了BBC的职务,并转战好莱坞。凭借《忘掉莎拉·马歇尔》和《前往希腊剧院》等作品,布兰德名气大涨。

    While Ross was suspended , Brand resigned and has since made a name for himself in Hollywood , in films including " Forgetting Sarah Marshall and " Get Him to the Greek .

  26. 在上周末举行的德国马歇尔基金会(GermanMarshallFund)布鲁塞尔论坛上,世行行长罗伯特佐立克(RobertZoellick)表示:美国国会一场有关贸易的意味深长的讨论是关于其危害的。

    Speaking at the German Marshall Fund 's Brussels Forum last weekend , Robert Zoellick , president of the World Bank , remarked that : A meaningful discussion on trade in the US Congress is about as toxic as it gets .

  27. 瑞士信贷英国私人银行业务负责人杰里米•马歇尔(JeremyMarshall)说:这是个渐进的过程,但越来越多的客户正在减少投入股票和债券的资金量。

    It 's a gradual process but more and more clients are reducing the amount they would have in equities and bonds , says Jeremy Marshall , UK chief executive of private banking at Credit Suisse .

  28. 西欧各国对马歇尔计划表示欢迎,并于1947年7月成立了欧洲经济合作委员会(CEEC)来配合马歇尔计划的实施。

    Western European countries welcomed Marshall Plan and in July 1947 they founded CEEC to cooperate with the Marshall Plan .

  29. 2006年秋天,正准备挑选大学的PatrickPatterson跟父母听了马歇尔大学主教练RonJirsa新生招募讲座。

    In the fall of2006 , while trying to decide on a college , Patrick Patterson and his parents listened to a recruiting pitch from Marshall head coach Ron Jirsa .

  30. 结果表明,由GTM设计出的沥青混合料抗车辙及水稳性能较之大马歇尔设计方法有明显的提高。

    As a result , the resisting rut performance and moisture susceptibility of asphalt admixture which is designed by GTM contain obvious exaltation than that is designed by marshall .