- Maryland

Zimunya is at the University of Maryland at College Park , studying political communication and new media .
David Kirsch is an associate professor at the Robert H.Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland .
President Bush is at Camp David - the U.S. presidential retreat in the mountains of western Maryland .
Akiima Price took a break from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to work with the Student Conservation Association in Nevada .
University of Maryland ( Maryland ) leads on the work of the rest for the first big explosion desktop model .
The US-based Institute of Human Virology and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) signed the agreement on29 August .
Police say a CNN viewer , in fact out in Maryland , helped her .
Jimmy Wagner works at the American Plant garden center in Bethesda , Maryland .
David Kirsch is an associate professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland .
Robert Edelman at the University of Maryland is an expert in dengue vaccine research .
But it reflects two interesting trends . First , high-income and high-education households are'clumping'into tighter and tighter geographies , according to a University of Maryland professor .
Personal exposures to PM2.5 mass and trace elements in Baltimore , MD , USA.
David dowdy studies infectious diseases at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health in Baltimore , Maryland .
Chesapeake Bay Candles , her company , employs about 120 of its 2,000 staff in factories in Maryland and California .
We ran forest-mapping algorithms developed by Professor Matt Hansen of University of Maryland on almost 700,000 Landsat satellite images & a total of 20 trillion pixels , she said .
The business schools at University of Maryland and Arizona State University are among a handful of other American institutions that have established ties with China to offer EMBA programs .
Michael Miller , director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore , said in an AHA news release .
Currently , you can 't just call the University of Maryland and ask for a VO2 max test .
Researchers at the University of Maryland say they are confident that A ( H1N1 ) is not reassorting with seasonal flu viruses in humans to produce a more dangerous strain .
The notion that obscured quasars are the byproduct of galaxy mergers has been around for quite a while , adds astronomer Christopher Reynolds of the University of Maryland , College Park .
Law professor Renee Hutchins at the University of Maryland says that is a big question that remains to be answered .
A team led by Steven Salzberg from the University of Maryland also published a cow genome last month in the journal Genome Biology .
Daniel Kirk-Davidoff , a chief scientist for MDA Federal Inc. , which develops remote sensing technologies , and adjunct professor of meteorology at the University of Maryland , has examined the climate impacts of large-scale wind farms in previous studies .
It was conducted for the BBC by GlobeScan and PIPA , who conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews with randomly selected people in 25 countries .
The poll of 21,797 people was conducted by GlobeScan / PIPA between July 3 and September 3 , this year .
Mrs. Berliner , who now lives in Maryland , used to pay for Mr. Jermyn to sleep in a motel and covered his monthly coffee bill at Michel Richard , the well-known patisserie . '
Chad Reissig at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore , Maryland , is a medical researcher who studies drug dependence .
Michael Brody , a psychiatrist who teaches at the University of Maryland , cautions that mind-controlled games are useful only if they move beyond the novelty stage and become a standard part of patients ' mental health regimens .
I don 't know how he can ever read the news with a straight face , or how the public will respond if he does , said Mark Feldstein , a broadcast journalism professor at the University of Maryland .
Law professor Renee Hutchins at the University of Maryland says that is a big question that remains to be answered . We spoke with her on Skype .