
  • 网络continuous diffusion
  1. 由于一些不可预测的随机事件的影响,纯粹的连续扩散过程难以正确描述利率变动的行为。

    Due to some unexpected stochastic events , the pure continuous diffusion process is unable to describe the interest rate behavior exactly .

  2. 连续波扩散型氧-碘传能化学激光器模型

    Two-dimensional theoretical model for diffusional CW oxygen-iodine chemical lasers

  3. 平板模型对液化石油气连续泄漏扩散模拟分析与探讨

    Simulation Analysis on Continuous Leakage and Diffusion of LPG Based on Slab Model

  4. 重气连续泄漏扩散的风洞模拟实验与数值模拟结果对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Wind Tunnel Test Data and Dispersion Model Prediction for Accidental Continuous Release of Dense Gases

  5. 基于流动辨识的长输油气管线泄漏监测方法研究平板模型对液化石油气连续泄漏扩散模拟分析与探讨

    Methodological and Experimental Studies of Leak Monitoring for Long-Distance Oil Gas Pipeline Transient Identification ; Simulation Analysis on Continuous Leakage and Diffusion of LPG Based on Slab Model

  6. 连续源扩散系数与点源纵向扩散系数非常接近,量值为(cm~2/s):1.5×10~4。

    The computed diffusion coefficient for a continuous source is 1.5 × 104 cm2 / s , almost equal to that of the longitudinal diffusion coefficient for point-source as above mentioned .

  7. 结果表明,环形柱内连续相轴向扩散系数Ec随外界输入能量的增大而增大,随隙径比的增大而增大。

    Results show that E_c increased with the increase of energy input and the increase of the ratio of annular width to col - umn diameter .

  8. 通过对木同检测位置示踪剂浓度的实验结果与CFD模拟结果的处理计算了各自所对应的连续相轴向扩散系数。

    According to the tracer concentration from the experiment results and simulation results by CFD , the axial dispersion coefficients of continuous phase are calculated .

  9. 具有连续时滞和扩散的非自治Holling竞争系统的持续性和全局吸引性

    Persistence and Global Attractivity for Nonautonomous Holling Competition System with Continuous Time Delay and Diffusion

  10. 具有周期系数和连续时滞的扩散模型的周期解

    Periodic Solutions to Diffusive Models with Periodic Coefficients and Continuous Time Delays

  11. 建立了地面连续点源扩散模式。

    The diffusion model of continuous point sources on the ground is established .

  12. 用连续点源扩散理论分析了排风混入的影响因素;

    The influencing factors of exhaust air mixing have been analyzed by continuous point diffusion theories .

  13. 提出了适用于气-液-液三相体系中,分散相和连续相轴向扩散系数的关联式。

    Correlations for the prediction of diffuse coefficients of continuous and dispersed phases in air-water-anthraquinone working solution three-phase system have been proposed .

  14. 相对扩散的速率与现有相似性理论预示的变化趋势十分相符,并与现有近距离相对扩散经验关系相一致,而与连续烟流扩散的结果相比较则明显偏小。

    Results of relative diffusion rates are well in agreement with similarity theory , and agree well with empirical relationship used in short distance .

  15. 首先,利用连续点源扩散模型和瞬时点源扩散模型分析了人体呼吸、咳嗽和打喷嚏时产生的生物颗粒在室内的运动和传播规律。

    Firstly , the continuous point-source dispersion model and the instantaneous point-source dispersion model were used to analyze the rule of indoor movement and transport of bio-particles engendered by respiration , cough and sneeze .

  16. 针对LNG重气云团连续点源泄漏扩散,结合箱模型和IIT-2重气扩散模型分析了LNG云团的扩散特性。

    Aiming at the dispersion for continuous release of LNG heavy gas , combining Box Model and IIT-2 Heavy Gas Models , this paper has analyzed the character of LNG continuous release .

  17. 不连续因子理论下扩散差分方程的共轭计算

    Adjoint Calculation of Diffusion Difference Equation with Discontinuity Factor Theory

  18. 连续波激光诱导扩散区温度的不接触测量

    Remote sensing of the temperature of the exposed region in laser assisted diffusion

  19. 通过对水库恒定时间连续污染源输移扩散特征的分析,在其简化条件下求得一维水质模型方程的解析解。

    With analysis of transport diffusion characteristics of constant and continuous pollutants of reservoir , the analytical solution of one dimensional water quality model equation under simplified conditions in given .

  20. 建立了离散时间、连续时间与跳跃扩散过程三种市场状态下随机时域的均值-方差模型,定义了相应的有效前沿。

    The random time horizon mean variance models corresponding to three market situations : discrete time , continuous time and jump diffusion process are formulated respectively and the relevant efficient frontier is defined .

  21. 建立开发了三种有毒有害气体泄漏与扩散模型,分别为:连续稳态泄漏与扩散模型、有限期间稳态泄漏与扩散模型、瞬态泄漏与扩散过程模型。

    The three models of virulent gas leak and diffusion are established , respectively is : continual stable state leak and diffusion model , limited period stable state leak and diffusion model , transient state leak and diffusion model .

  22. 本文采用二阶闭合的湍流边界层模式,进行一系列数值试验以模拟边界层中连续线源的扩散状况。

    The second order closure model in the turbulent boundary layer is used to carry out a series of numerical experiments to simulate the behaviour of a continuous line source under different conditions such as atmospheric stability , surface roughness and height of source etc.

  23. 本文主要研究了紧致度量空间上连续半流的等度连续性及扩散性的特征。证明了如下结论:(1)用生成集定义的复杂性函数的有界性与其等度连续性是等价的;

    In this paper , we mainly study the equicontinuous and scattering properties of the continuous semi-flow on a compact metric space , and get the results as follows :( 1 ) the complexity function defined by spanning set is bounded if and only if the system is equicontinuous ;