
  • 网络successive contrast
  1. 有三个主要类别的相互作用颜色:同时对比,连续对比和扭转对比(或同化)。

    There are three major classes of the interaction of color : simultaneous contrast , successive contrast and reverse contrast ( or assimilation ) .

  2. 色彩的蒙太奇效果则是基于画面色彩的连续对比的效果而进行的镜头叙事。

    Color montage effect is based on a continuous screen color contrast effects for narrative scenes .

  3. 其中反洗钱监督、帐户监督等监督项目可以对数据进行多笔、多日的连续、对比监督,弥补了传统监督方法的不足。

    For the anti-money laundering supervision , account supervision the system can supervise the data respectively and continuously , and make up for the deficiency of the traditional monitoring methods .

  4. 颗粒模型和连续介质模型对比,更能反映MIM喂料的特点。

    Granular model can better reflect the characteristics of feedstock of MIM than continuum model .

  5. 通过与普通连续铸造铸锭对比的方法,对电磁铸造镁合金圆锭的显微组织及力学性能进行了分析。

    Cast . Microstructure and mechanical properties of the EMC billets are compared with the billets cast by the direct chill method .

  6. 尤其是对桐柏样地进行了连续两年的对比跟踪调查,表明随着农民保护意识的增强,野生绞股蓝的资源得到较为有效的保护。

    Especially for Tongbai sample has carried on the contrast of two years in a row , as farmers protection consciousness enhancement , the resources of wild resources get more effective protection .

  7. 基于静态箱式法,在内蒙古典型羊草草原围栏与自由放牧样地对土壤呼吸作用及其影响因子进行连续两年野外对比观测。

    Soil respiration was measured with a closed static chamber method for continuous two years ( 2001 ~ 2002 ) in fenced and grazing typical Leymus chinensis steppe , Inner Mongolia , China .

  8. 最后以海面温度锋-墨西哥湾流为实例进行形态特征提取,并与典型的边缘提取算子效果在信息量、抗干扰性、定位精度、连续性和对比度上进行对比分析。

    In the end , taking the Mexico Gulf for example , the temperature fronts are extracted , and their effects are compared with the traditional algorithm on information amounts , interference , positioning accuracy , continuity and contrast .

  9. 具体的对自由曲面样件进行建模和算法研究,尤其在建模过程中对曲面连续性进行对比研究,同时实现了理论算法与实际的相结合,为反求工程的进一步研究增砖添瓦。

    Concretely study freeform surface product ' modeling process and arithmetic , especially compare of surface continuity in process of modeling , and realize combine of academic arithmetic and practical manipulation and it also adds color to the advanced manufacture technology .

  10. 该方法以加入阻抗相位信息的一维大地电磁连续介质曲线对比法为基础,把一维反演得到的电阻率和相位的数据集作为二维反演的初始模型,使用二维有限单元法做正演模拟。

    This method is based on one-dimensional magnetotelluric curve comparison method with phase information , using resistivity and impedance phase data set from 1D inversion as the initial model , and then modeling with 2D finite element method ( FEM ) .

  11. 采用微滴培养法连续培养72h,对比观察不同浓度3TC和IFNα对体外胚胎细胞早期发育的直接影响。

    The effects of 3TC and IFN a in various concentrations on development of embryos were observed .

  12. 在相同磨削条件下,对新方法和CBN砂轮连续磨削进行了对比实验。

    Under the same experimental conditions , the comparison experiment has processed between the new method and continuous grinding method with CBN wheel .

  13. 方法采用六氟化硫微气泡造影剂和连续实时成像的对比脉冲序列技术,对505例FLL作超声造影检查。

    Methods CEUS was performed in 505 patients with FLLs . A sulfur hexafluoride-filled microbubble ultrasound contrast agent and a continuous real-time imaging technique of contrast pulse sequencing were used .

  14. 经过2001~2005年连续5年实验对比后得出结论:用蜂蜜和ABT生根粉作为红豆杉扦插处理剂成活率最高。

    The 5-year continuous experiment from 2001 to 2005 reached a conclusion that the survival rate attained the highest when the seedling of Taxus yunnanensis for cuttage purpose was treated by honey and powder for striking root .

  15. 气井连续携液模型对比研究及新模型的现场验证

    Comparative Study of Carrying Liquid Gas Model and Field Experimental Verification

  16. 连续照明时成像对比度与气象条件的关系

    Dependence of image contrast by continuous illumination on weather

  17. 对血管和脊神经进行连续脉冲的相位对比磁共振影像术检测。

    Phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging pulse sequence was performed at the aqueductal and cervical levels .

  18. 通过与气动连续进样的对比,测出了钙、镁在流动注射进样下的分散系数。

    The dispersion coefficients of calcium and magnesium were estimated by comparison with continuously pneumatic feed .

  19. 方法:采用间歇干燥模式并对其水分分布的均匀性及干燥速率与连续干燥模式进行对比。

    Method : The intermittent drying mode was investigated in this paper , the moisture nonuniformity in deep bed , drying rate were compared with that of the continuous microwave heating mode .

  20. 由于真实护栏系统是多跨连续的,通过对比不同跨数的模型在冲击条件下的结果,确定了足够反映真实多跨连续护栏的合理跨数。

    The real guardrail system is continuous , here the impact results of guardrail systems with different multiple spans was compared to determine the reasonable span of the guardrail system under impact conditions .

  21. 采用刚塑性有限元方法并借助商业有限元软件对连铸坯三点矫直过程进行模拟分析,然后与一点矫直和连续矫直进行对比。

    The simulation and analysis of slab three point unbending process were carried out using rigid-plastic finite element method ( FEM ) by commercial software , which is contrasted to one point unbending and continuous unbending .

  22. 通过将翻车机的有限元模拟结果和分段测试结果进行对比分析,又将分段测试结果和连续测试结果进行对比分析,对有限元模拟载荷提出了动力放大系数和二次放大系数的修正方案。

    Through comparing and analyzing the finite element simulating results and sectional test results of the Car Dumper , block test results and continuous test results , a correction program of dynamic amplification factor and secondary amplification factor is put forward to the finite element simulation loads .

  23. 通过对公共政策不连续性与连续性的对比分析,得出公共政策的不连续性有八大特征:时间性、空间性、相对性、条件性、两变性、辨证性、统一性、转换性。

    Through analyzing the public policy discontinuity and continuity of comparative analysis , the public policy discontinuity has eight features : time , space , relativity , conditioned , syndrome differentiation , degeneration , dialectical unity , conversion .

  24. 本文首先通过预应力连续梁和等效普通钢筋混凝土连续梁的对比试验,从试验上对预应力钢筋两阶段工作原理进行验证。

    Firstly , two-stage-working principle of the prestressed reinforcement have verified in this paper by the contrast experiment between a prestressed concrete continuous beam and a equivalent ordinary concrete continuous beam .

  25. 为使研究较全面,还进行了1块GBF薄壁管垂直跨径方向布置的两跨连续板(简称GBF横管向连续板)对比试验。

    In order to make the research overall , in the experiment a tow-span continuous slab was tested inside which the GBF thin-walled tubes were placed to be vertical with the span direction ( The slab is called GBF vertical continuous slab in short . ) .

  26. T5&在地震剖面上,基岩凸起区具有明显的剥蚀面反射特征,为两个特征明显的强相位,连续性较好,可在基岩凸起区连续追踪对比。

    T5 shows two strong phrases with obvious features and continuous well in seismic sections .

  27. 本文采用能量法对后张有粘结预应力连续梁中预应力次弯矩是否变化的问题进行了深入的研究,并与普通钢筋混凝土连续梁进行对比,基本上回答了有关次弯矩是否变化的问题。

    In this paper , energy method is used to study the change of the secondary moment of prestressed concrete continuous beams during loading . In the same time , comparison is made with the non-prestressed concrete continuous beams .