
lián xiě
  • Ligature;join syllables in phonetic transcription;write (Chinese characters) in linked strokes together
连写 [lián xiě]
  • (1) [phrase]∶在速记中笔不离开纸地写(一再出现的一组词)

  • 让学生把教师要求文中需要连写的各个词之间加上连字号

  • (2) [write continuously]∶用汉语拼音字母把每一个复音词的几个音节连起来写,不断开,如我们的学校拼作 wǒmen de xuéxiào ,其中我们、学校各自的两个音节在拼音时都连写

  1. 毛巾上绣着他们姓名首字母的连写组合。

    The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials .

  2. 草书讲究连写。

    The cursive script requires linkage between strokes .

  3. teapot是个连写的复合词(即中间无连字符)。

    The word ` teapot ' is a solid compound , ie not hyphenated .

  4. 第三页即使福克纳运用了连写句

    Page three . Just because Faulkner used run-on sentences ,

  5. 本文提出了一种隐式分词连写输入法,该方法在中文文本输入的同时进行分词,并将文本以词串的形式在机内保存。

    A Chinese input approach implicating word segmentation is presented in this paper .

  6. 实行中文分词连写确实具有必要性。

    Link writing for Chinese words has the necessity .

  7. 中文分词连写的问题与对策

    Questions and Reflections on Link Writing for Chinese Word

  8. 我女儿在学校里刚开始学连写。

    My daughter is just starting to learn how to do joinedup writing at school .

  9. 难道约翰连写封感谢信这最起码的事也做不到?

    Can 't John at least take the trouble to write a note of thanks ?

  10. 连写的三个“6”在《圣经》里是个可怕的“野兽数字”。

    Ligatures three " 6 " in the bible was a terrible " beasts number " .

  11. 书面汉语分词连写的合理性与紧迫性及其实现

    The Rationality and the Urgency of Link Writing for Chinese Word in Written Chinese and its Implement

  12. 再没有谎言,也没有情节,仍然是连写句,标点怪怪,那又怎么样?

    No more lying , no more melodrama , still run-on sentences still funny punctuation but so what .

  13. 隐式分词连写输入方法&解决汉语分词问题的根本途径

    A Chinese Input Approach Implicating Word Segmentation & the Only Way to Resolve the Problem of Word Segmentation

  14. 不少家庭中,虽然计算机和手机是必要的,父母还是鼓励孩子连写这些传统的技能。

    In households , parents generally encourage the kids to practice the traditional skills while computers and mobiles are necessary .

  15. 在对外汉语教学实践中,汉字文本的分词连写又是一个不可回避的焦点问题。

    In the practice of teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language , Chinese Text Segmentation is one of the indispensable compositions .

  16. 但是面向对外汉语教学的汉字文本分词连写的研究成果所见不多。

    However , there are relatively insufficient researches concerned on Chinese Text Segmentation for Teaching Chinese as a foreign language version .

  17. 在书面汉语中,字与字、词与词是连写的,词在句中没有显式的标记。

    In the written Chinese , they are successively written between character and character , word and word , word has not obvious mark in the sentence .

  18. 综合命题由和或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真ph.1.连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)

    A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true .

  19. 产品品牌定位于西欧风情,标志设计以西欧手法连写,表达出汽车香水独到的风情。

    The product brand locates to the Western Europe character and style , the logo design writes ontinuously by the Western Europe technique , expresses the automobile perfume original character and style .

  20. 解决分词问题只能另辟溪径,可以从汉字文本分词连写和按照汉语拼音正词法书写中文文本这两个角度着手研究分词问题。

    In order to solve the problem thoroughly , we may study this problem from the method that write the Chinese text word by word or write according to the Scheme of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet on the study of the Technology of computer .

  21. 本文在理论及实践上创新之处主要如下:分析了分词连写的必要性和可行性,提出了分词连写的对策:推行分词连写的中文输入软件。

    Based on the theory and practice of major innovations are : analysis the necessity and feasibility of link writing for Chinese word , puts forward the strategy of link writing for Chinese word : introduces Chinese input software for link writing for Chinese word .