
  1. 目的探讨军队离退休老干部社区获得性肺部感染(CAP)的预防策略。

    OBJECTIVE To study the prevention strategy of community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) for retired old cadres of PLA .

  2. 目的调查徐州市离退休老干部糖尿病(DM)患病情况及特点。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence and characters of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) in retired government officers in Xuzhou city .

  3. 目的探讨离退休老干部血清不对称二甲基精氨酸(ADMA)和同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)的变化及其意义。

    Objective To observe the changes and their significance of serum asymmetric dimethylarginine ( ADMA ) and homocysteine ( Hcy ) in elderly subjects .

  4. 结果:43.59%住院离退休老干部存在抑郁症状,其相关因素为ADL评分和健康自我评价结果。

    Results : The prevalence of depression in this group of patients was 43.59 % . Activites of daily life and self-perceived health were the main factors contributing to the depression in hospitalized retired cadres .

  5. 方法离退休老干部170例为观察组和健康者29例为对照组,测定其血压、血糖、血脂ADMA和Hcy等。

    Methods The ADMA , Hcy , total cholesterol , triglycerides and glucose in serum were measured in 170 elderly subjects who were defined as observed group and 29 subjects of healthy as control group .

  6. 负责市局机关离退休老干部的管理服务工作。

    Administer management and services for retired officials of the Bureau .

  7. 住院离退休老干部抑郁相关因素调查及分析

    Analysis about the Incidence of Depression in Hospitalized Retired Aged Patients

  8. 营养教育对离退休老干部知信行的影响

    Nutrition educations for retired cadres of the impact of eating habits

  9. 住院军队离退休老干部睡眠质量及影响因素分析

    Analysis of Sleeping Quality of Hospitalized Retired Veteran Cadres and Influencing Factors

  10. 离退休老干部生活满意度与心血管疾病的相关性研究

    Correlation between the Life Satisfaction and the Cardiovascular Diseases in Retired Cadres

  11. 军队离退休老干部生活习惯调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Life Habits of Military Retired Cadres

  12. 关于离退休老干部思想政治工作的两点思考

    Two Considerations Relating to the Ideological and Political Work of Retired Old Officers

  13. 目的了解军队离退休老干部住院期间健康教育的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of health education on hospitalized retired military officers .

  14. 156例住院离退休老干部病人沟通需求的调查

    A survey of demand for communication of 156 inpatients who were retired veteran cadres

  15. 同时我们祝愿全国的军队离退休老干部们健康长寿!

    We wish them the country 's health and longevity of retired army veteran !

  16. 目的探讨离退休老干部生活满意度和心血管疾病之间的关系。

    Objective To discuss the correlation between life satisfaction and cardiovascular diseases of retired cadres in Changchun .

  17. 离退休老干部是我们党和国家的宝贵财富。

    Retired cadres are the wealth of the Party and the wealth of our country as well .

  18. 军队离退休老干部主观幸福感与社会支持、生活事件和健康状况的相关研究

    Effects of social support , life events and health conditions on subjective well-being in retired military staff

  19. 结论生活满意度对离退休老干部心血管疾病的患病率有重要影响。

    Conclusion Life satisfaction is of an important influence to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in retired cadres .

  20. 结论:住院离退休老干部抑郁症状明显,护理人员应重视其心理问题,给予有效的心理护理。

    Conclusion : The depression in hospitalized retired cadres is evident . Nurses should take efficient holistic nursing .

  21. 近十年来,心理学工作者对军队离退休老干部心理健康进行了大量的研究。

    Many psychologists have presented a lot of researches about mental health research in the past ten years .

  22. 自尊、社会支持与离退休老干部主观幸福感关系的追踪研究

    Follow-up study on the relationship between self-esteem , social support and subjective happiness perception among retired military officers

  23. 方法对145名军队离退休老干部使用症状自评量表进行测评。

    Methods Assessment was carried out on 145 retired old cadres of PLA on the basis of self-rating symptom scales .

  24. 结论军队离退休老干部生活习惯与年龄及生存质量有密切关系。

    Conclusions In military retired cadres , the life habits have a close relationship with age and the quality of life .

  25. 方法整理分析了1988~1998年济宁市1538名离退休老干部的查体资料,进行了流行病学分析研究。

    Methods The physical examination materials of 1538 retired cadres during 1988 to 1998 in Jining were given an epidemiology study .

  26. 方法采用问卷调查法对老干部的卫生保健需求进行调查分析,依据2005年军队离退休老干部健康查体资料数据,探讨老干部的健康状况。

    Method The data of health examination of the retired elderly people in 2005 were analyzed and their health care demands were investigated with a questionnaire .

  27. 方法采用生存质量评估量表,对定居成都地区军队离退休老干部1677例进行生活习惯问卷调查。

    Methods By adopting the rating-scale on the quality of life , a questionnaire investigation on life habits was carried out in 1 677 military retired cadres .

  28. 方法采用国际标准化心血管流行病学调查方法,对辖区内离退休老干部进行心血管危险因素调查;

    Methods The baseline survey for CVD risk factors was carried out in a military old officer population according to the Framingham cardiovascular disease multi-risk factors study model .

  29. 方法采用老年人生活满意度量表、老年人生活满意度影响因素调查表和心电图对长春市271名离退休老干部进行调查和检测。

    Methods Totally 271 retired cadres in Changchun were investigated with life satisfaction questionnaires , questionnaires of the factors affecting the satisfactory livelihood , and electrocardiogram of the elderly .

  30. 国有企业离退休老干部工作的创新发展,对提高老干部群体幸福指数,营造社会和谐气氛具有重大意义。

    The State-owned business retirement old cadre works the innovation development , to enhances the old cadre community happy index , the building society harmonious atmosphere has the great significance .