
lí jī
  • deplane
  1. 其次,利用飞行力学的有关原理编制了求解适合导弹离机过程的六自由度动力学及运动学方程的程序,并改写为用户自定义程序添加到商业CFD软件中去。

    Secondly , a programme to solve the 6 degree-of-freedom ( DOF ) dynamics equation and the kinematics equation of the missle was made and complied based on the flight dynamics theory .

  2. 离机,下机从飞机上下来上位和下位运动损伤

    To disembark from an airplane . upper and lower motor lesions

  3. 我怎么能得到的光从离机方向飞来。

    How could I get the light coming from an off-camera direction .

  4. 飞机悬挂物离机姿态测量装置的设计

    Measurement device design of off-plane pose of plane suspender

  5. 机舱门打开后再离机。

    And the doors have been opened .

  6. 离机:没有接驳或不作直接通信的装置。

    Off-line : Equipment that is not physically linked or is not in direct communication .

  7. 利用飞行力学的有关原理编制了导弹离机过程的六自由度动力学及运动学程序;

    The program to solve the six-freedom-of-degree dynamics equation and the kinematics equation of the missile are worked out .

  8. 工作于应急离机状态的弹射救生装置是一个复杂的动态系统,其工作环境复杂、不确定因素多。

    Aircrew escape system is a complex dynamic system with complex working condition and a lot of uncertain factors .

  9. 医务人员和警察登机评估情况,最终请比格尔一家离机。

    Paramedics and police were brought on board to assess the situation and eventually asked the Beegles to disembark .

  10. 用这个方式,很多数据可以作离机贮存,需要时,把磁碟组放入磁碟驱动器内。

    In this manner , a great amount of data can be stored off-line and mounted on the disc drive when needed .

  11. 这架几乎清空的飞机再度升空、向南飞去的时候,库珀带着赎金跳伞离机,从此不见踪影。

    As the nearly empty flight took off again , flying south , he parachuted out of the airplane with the ransom , and was never seen again .

  12. 我不是一个爱赌的人,但是我可以这么说,你离机时带上另一个人同行的概率至少有50%,他告诉潜在客户群。

    ' I 'm not a betting man , but I say your chance of deplaning with a plus-one are at least 50 percent , ' he told potential customers .

  13. 目的:研制一种用于机场抢救遇险飞行员的救护设备,解决飞机座舱高、救护人员无法登机快速解救受伤飞行员离机的难题。

    Objective To develop a new ambulance aid on airport rescue of pilot and solve the difficult problems on medical staff , which carry the wounded from high aircraft cabin to the ground .

  14. 通过使用动网格技术得到了导弹离机过程的六自由度运动参数,对内埋式导弹在亚声速和超声速条件下的分离轨迹和姿态变化进行了比较分析,得出了导弹安全分离的条件。

    The dynamic mesh technique was used to obtain the parameters of the 6 DOF movement . Compared the separation trajectory and missile posture change at subsonic speed and supersonic speed . Finally , got missile safe separation conditions .

  15. 结果表明,通过调整两侧导气孔直径,可以改变悬挂物弹射离机时的飞行姿态,消除由于不同弹种的质心偏移量所造成的角速度与角位移偏大的弊端。

    It is shown that the flying attitude of the suspender leaving battleplane can be changed by adjusting the gas port diameters of both sides , so as to eliminate the abuse of larger angular velocity and displacement caused by the centroid offset of different suspenders .

  16. 在分析过程中发现定子接地故障点离机端近,接地电阻在燃弧过程中很快减小,故障零序电压很快升高,保护也及时切除了故障。

    From the data it can be found that when the fault locates far from the start point , the earth impedance decreases quickly during arc-burning and the zero sequence voltage increases rapidly at the same time , and the relays switch off the fault in time .

  17. 在飞机悬挂物地面投放试验中,为了测试悬挂物离机的姿态(瞬间速度、旋转角度、位移),利用光电检测原理设计了一种飞机悬挂物离机姿态测量装置。

    In the ground throw test of plane suspender , in order to test off-plane pose ( instantaneous speed , rotary angle , displacement ) of suspender , a sort of measurement device of off-plane pose of plane suspender is designed by the use of photoelectric survey theory .

  18. 我们离传送机也不是很远。

    We 're not far from a transporter .

  19. 擦离式碾米机碾米室压力的研究

    Study on the Milling Chamber Pressure of Friction-Type Miller

  20. 根据离网型风力机系统的特点,确定了该系统的主要组成。系统包括小型风力机、传动系统、永磁同步发电机(PMSG)、整流器、Buck变换器、蓄电池、逆变器和交流负载。

    The configuration is proposed according to characteristics of stand-alone wind power generation system , including wind turbine , drive train , Permanent Magnet Synchronization Generator ( PMSG ), three-phase rectifier , Buck converter , battery , inverter and AC load .

  21. 一种离网型风机控制器设计

    Design of the Controller for a Stand-alone Wind Generator

  22. 可用于输送碎纸到离切纸送风机75&100米远的漩涡(切刀)。

    Available for conveying the shredded paper to cyclone 75 ~ 100m away from this cutter blower .

  23. 在此介绍了一种离网型风机控制器的设计方案;给出了风机充电器的主电路拓扑结构和主控制框图;

    In this paper , wind generation controllers ' main circuit and control frame figure will be given .

  24. 最后对1MW的风力机模型进行系统仿真实验,证实了该方案的可行性.一种离网型风机控制器设计

    At last , the feasibility of this scheme is proved through simulation and experiment of a prototype of 1 MW wind generator . Design of the Controller for a Stand-alone Wind Generator