
  • 网络Saladan Pier;wharf water front;jetty port;Tomarin
  1. 提高大型船舶横向靠离码头所需拖船协助力估算精度的关键是横流阻力系数C(wy)的估算。

    We believe that the key point of the accurate estimation of required tug power in berth manoeuvres lies in the calculation of the transverse water flow force coefficient C ( wy ) .

  2. 他们为我们在离码头不远处订了个廉价旅馆。

    They booked us into a tuppeny-ha'penny hotel near the docks .

  3. 超大型船舶靠离码头所需拖轮力的计算

    The calculation of required tug force by VLCC in berthing manoeuver

  4. 拖船协助在船舶靠离码头过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    Tugboat assistance plays a significant role in ship berthing or unberthing .

  5. 单拖船协助船舶靠离码头的操纵方法

    The Maneuvering Methods of Berthing / Deberthing with Assistance of Single Tug

  6. 实现船舶自动靠离码头的磁力系泊装置

    Magnetic Control Mooring System for Ships Alongside and Leave Wharf

  7. 适应大型船舶靠离码头的全回转拖轮的研制按方位角行进在定向越野中的应用

    Research of azimuth thruster tugboat for large vessels pulling in dock Application of Azimuth in Orienteering

  8. 当他在离码头半英里的地方时,他感到有点累。

    When he was about half a mile out from the dock , he felt a bit tired .

  9. 仰光号泊在离码头半海里的海湾里,大桅顶上已经升起了开船的信号旗。

    The'rangoon'was moored half a mile off in the harbour , its signal of departure hoisted at the mast-head .

  10. 有一天我们去了海滩,我靠得离码头的边缘太远了。

    We went to the beach one day , and I 'd leaned too far over the edge of the pier .

  11. 大型船舶横向靠离码头所需拖船协助力的近似计算

    An approach to the scrapping obsolete steel vessel alongside wharf An Approximate Calculation of Required Tug Power in Berth Manoeuvres of Large Vessels

  12. 我继续往前走,终于看到离码头不远的地方,有一股昏蒙蒙的灯光,又听到空中有一阵凄绝的嘎叫声;

    Moving on , I at last came to a dim sort of light not far from the docks , and heard a forlorn creaking in the air ;

  13. 凡具备船舶夜航条件,夜间可靠离码头和装卸作业的港口口岸,应实行24小时检疫。

    The 24 hour quarantine service shall be applied to any port with conditions for a ship to navigate and call at or leave at night as well as for night-time loading and unloading .

  14. 针对船长能否自行安全操纵船舶靠离码头问题,通过研究有关船舶靠离泊操纵安全资料,分析影响靠离泊安全的各种因素,在专家调查的基础上确定各指标的影响程度;

    Aiming at the issue whether the captain can berth and unberth safely , author researched the information about berthing and unberthing ships , analyzed factors which effect the navigation safety , based on experts ' research to confirm the influence degree of each index ;

  15. 他上了船,把船撑离了码头。

    He boarded the boat and shoved off from the dock / wharf .

  16. 这儿离圣莫尼卡码头很近,旅馆也很气派!

    The hotel here is just beauiful .

  17. 离渔人码头有多远?

    How far to fishermen 's wharf ?

  18. 超大型船靠离大连矿石码头的操纵

    Maneuvering principals of berthing and unberthing a very large vessel to dock