
  1. 长江港口码头前沿高程问题的探讨

    An Inquire into Problems of Height of Wharf Frontage in River Harbor

  2. 山区河流集装箱码头前沿高程与后方集装箱堆场高程不可能一致,集装箱码头陆域运输不但要完成集装箱的水平输送,而且要完成集装箱在场内的垂直提升。

    Elevation of wharf apron is different from that of back container yard in mountainous rivers , so , land transportation consists of both level conveyance and lift of containers .

  3. 通过物理模型和数学模型两种研究手段,对三亚南山港工程平面方案码头前沿、护岸波高分布以及航道对波浪折射影响进行对比研究,对码头前沿波峰面高程和上水情况进行了分析。

    From both physical and mathematic model tests , the wave height distribution near apron and revetment is studied and the wave crest level near the apron is analyzed .