
mǎ tou fèi
  • wharfage charge;dockage;pier dues
  1. 卸货和交货费用以及码头费应算在货主头上,将其算在本合同规定的运费中的除外。

    Landing and delivery charges and pier dues shall be at the expense of the goods unless included in the freight herein provided for .

  2. 免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。

    Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax , duty , impost and fees .

  3. 备注:此FOB宁波价已包含:商检费、码头费、定舱费。

    Notes : The FOB Ningbo quotation includes the commodity inspection fee , dock fee , Book fee .

  4. 码头费和装货起运码头费及装运费船方不负担装卸货费用

    Dock dues and shipping

  5. 在货物等待报关的时间里,我们要支付码头费。

    We 'll have to pay dock dues on the cargo while it 's waiting to be cleared .

  6. 港口及码头费收,作为港口企业收入的主要来源,应如何对其管理就显得尤为重要。

    Because the fee of harbor and terminal corporation acts as a main source of income of harbor corporation , how to govern harbor and terminal corporation is especially important .

  7. (到餐厅购买龙虾的这一步时,价格就已经抬高一些了,因为要加上供应链环节的费用,包括码头费、经销商或批发商的分成以及工厂加工成本。)

    ( By the time a restaurant buys lobster , its price has gone up as the supply chain can include wharf fees , a cut for dealers or wholesalers and processing-plant costs . )

  8. 在研究过程中,本文从理论上探讨了我国集装箱码头费收的分类设定、作用,并剖析其存在的问题及集装箱码头价格管理和制定应考虑的主要因素;

    In the course of research this paper discusses classification and role of the terminal charge , and analyzes issues relating to them and main elements of terminal charge management on the basis of the theory ;

  9. 码头作业费(TerminalHandlingCharges,以下简称THC)问题是当前国际航运界的热点问题之一。

    The question of Terminal Handling Charges ( THC ) is an important matter under dispute in international shipping circles .

  10. 论码头作业费纠纷的法律性质

    Spends the dispute by the wharf work the legal nature

  11. 我们亦会继续利便业界之间就码头处理费进行磋商,以增加收费的透明度。

    We will continue to promote discussion within the industry with the aim of enhancing the transparency of terminal handling charges .

  12. 本文试图通过对码头作业费纠纷法律性质的分析,为解决码头作业费的收取问题奠定基础。

    This article attempts through to spend the dispute law nature to the wharf work the analysis , for solves the collection problem which the wharf work spends to lay the foundation .

  13. 有关码头作业费的纠纷在中国已经持续了四年多,自宣布收取该费用之日始,它就一直是航运界的热点问题。

    The related wharf work spends the dispute has already continued in China for more than four years , gathers date of beginning this expense from the announcement , it always was the shipping interest hot topic .

  14. 尼日利亚Apapa太阳日报报道:AP穆勒码头公司为获得长期收益,在尼日利亚拉各斯码头引进集装箱堆存费,试图以此加快集装箱周转速度降低整体运营成本。

    AP MOLLER is billing for storage at Lagos , Nigeria , container terminal in an attempt to keep turnover high and overall cost low , according to the local Apapa Daily Sun newspaper .