
  • 网络Hedland;PORT HEDLAND
  1. 杜拉克地区(包括黑德兰港)议员巴里哈斯(barryhaase)表示,中国给他所在的选区带来了生机。

    Barry HAase , an MP for Durack , which includes Port Hedland , says China has given his constituency vital oxygen .

  2. 来自澳大利亚黑德兰港(PortHedland,该港口为大矿商处理出口发货)的数据表明,向中国发出的铁矿石总量从5月的1060万吨,降至6月的940万吨。

    Data from Australia 's Port Hedland , which handles shipments for the big miners , show aggregate iron ore volumes to China fell to 9.4m tonnes in June from 10.6m in May .

  3. 昨日在黑德兰港痛饮的矿工们有理由欢呼。

    Miners knocking back middies in Port Hedland yesterday had reason to cheer .

  4. 截至去年6月底的12个月里,黑德兰港的铁矿石出货量为1.74亿吨。

    Port Hedland shipped 174m tonnes of iron ore in the 12 months to the end of June last year .

  5. 日落时分,一艘300米长的中国轮船缓缓驶入西澳大利亚的黑德兰港,来装载一船铁矿石。

    As the sun sets , a 300-metre Chinese ship chugs into Port Hedland , Western Australia , to receive a load of iron ore.