
  1. 黑参中常规皂苷含量均较少,或几乎没有。

    Common saponin are less or no in Black ginseng .

  2. 但黑参九蒸九曝加工时间太长,有效成分损失过多。

    But , Black Participation need to be nine steamed nine exposured , the processing time is too long that the active ingredient excessive loss .

  3. 黑参是近些年新兴起的人参深加工产品,相对国外特别是韩国而言,目前国内关于黑参的研究较少。

    Black ginseng is a new further manufactured ginseng product which is emerging in recent years . However , until recently , few papers on Black ginseng have been published in China while foreign countries especially in South Korea have been much investigates on it .