
fú ěr mó sī
  • Holmes;Sherlock
福尔摩斯[fú ěr mó sī]
  1. 福尔摩斯爱交际,非常风趣,兴趣广泛。

    Holmes was gregarious , a great wit , a man of wide interests .

  2. 故事中的福尔摩斯是著名的侦探。

    Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories .

  3. 自1887年阿瑟·柯南·道尔创作出夏洛克·福尔摩斯这个人物以来,有关福尔摩斯形象化身的作品便层出不穷。

    Sherlock Holmes has had many incarnations since he was first brought to life by the pen of Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887 .

  4. 除Ulster款大衣外,书中的福尔摩斯还带着围巾。

    With his Ulster , the literary Holmes wore a cravat .

  5. 他还在盖?里奇的《大侦探福尔摩斯》系列电影中扮演医生华生,他出演的HBO电视剧《年轻的教宗》目前正在播出。

    He also plays Doctor Watson in Guy Ritchie 's Sherlock Holmes films and can currently be seen in HBO 's The Young Pope .

  6. CBS电视台正在为新剧《Elementary》努力,这部剧描述福尔摩斯生活在现代都市中的故事(非常像BBC的《神探夏洛克》),只不过现在夏洛克生活在纽约。

    CBS TV Studios is working on ELEMENTARY , described as a modern day take of Sherlock Holmes ( much like BBC 's SHERLOCK ), only now Sherlock lives in New York City .

  7. 沃尔夫提到,如果不是因为柯南•道尔爵士在1894年写了《空屋》(TheAdventureoftheEmptyHouse)这一福尔摩斯侦探故事,巴顿术可能已经彻底消失了。

    In time , Bartitsu might have vanished completely , Mr. Wolf says , were it not for a single passage in ' The Adventure of the Empty House , ' a Sherlock Holmes mystery by Conan Doyle set in 1894 .

  8. 我们对福尔摩斯形象的认知几乎全都来自西德尼·佩吉特(SidneyPaget)的插图。他画笔下的福尔摩斯原型优雅、消瘦,影响了此后每一个福尔摩斯形象的创作。

    Our image of Holmes comes almost entirely from his illustrator , Sidney Paget , whose elegant , angular prototype influenced every incarnation thereafter .

  9. 例如,在第一集《粉红的研究》中,福尔摩斯利用iPhone中的全球定位仪,将连环杀手绳之以法;当然他高超的侦探技能也功不可没。

    For example , in the first episode A Study in Pink , Holmes tracks down a serial killer with the help of an iPhone , a GPS-enabled computer , and of course , his astute detective skills .

  10. 该公司推出了两部小奖项竞争者:其一是与狮门公司(Lionsgate)合作推出的《爱与慈悲》(Love&Mercy),其二是与米拉麦克斯(Miramax)合作推出的《福尔摩斯先生》(Mr.Holmes)。

    That company did particularly well with two small prize contenders , " Love & Mercy " ( released in partnership with Lionsgate ) and " Mr. Holmes " ( with Miramax ) .

  11. 对了我叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯地址是贝克街221B

    Oh , and the name is Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street

  12. 他不久前还在英国的一个脱口秀上出镜。在节目中,另一位嘉宾哈里森·福特(HarrisonFord)打破了一贯的寡言少语,宣称他非常欣赏康伯巴奇的福尔摩斯,这让康伯巴奇激动不已。

    Also , he had had an exciting experience on a British talk show , when Harrison Ford , a fellow guest , emerged from his taciturnity to announce that he loved him as Holmes .

  13. 柯南•道尔爵士借福尔摩斯之口向其助手华生(Dr.Watson)解释,说他能在瀑布边缘从莫里亚蒂手中逃走,得归功于“‘拔顿术(Baritsu)’,一种日式摔跤术”。

    Instead , Conan Doyle has Holmes explain to Dr. Watson , his assistant , that he escaped Moriarty 's clutches on the edge of the falls through ' ' baritsu , ' or the Japanese system of wrestling . '

  14. 在这部剧集里,福尔摩斯(34岁的BenedictCumberbatch饰演)和华生(《办公室》明星、38岁的MartinFreeman饰演)搬进了贝克街的一套公寓里。

    In the drama , which stars Benedict Cumberbatch , 34 , as Holmes and The Office star Martin Freeman , 38 , as Watson , the pair move into a flat in Baker Street .

  15. 美版福尔摩斯剧集根据阿瑟·柯南·道尔的小说改编,44岁的刘玉玲在里面饰演福尔摩斯的助手JoanWatson,她做客《吉米晚间脱口秀》节目来推广自己最新的电视剧。

    The star , 44 - who plays Joan Watson , Sherlock Holmes " sidekick in the US adaptation of the Arthur Conan Doyle books - was promoting her latest telly gig on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon .

  16. 这部电视剧由英国广播公司(BBC)出品,内容改编自亚瑟·柯南·道尔的《福尔摩斯探案集》里的经典推理故事,不过这次故事背景从19世纪换成了21世纪。

    The BBC-produced videos are based on the classic detective stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle , and yet this time the setting is moved from the 19th century to the 21st century .

  17. 在盖·里奇(GuyRitchie)的蒸汽朋克电影《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》里,小罗伯特·唐尼(RobertDowneyJr)版福尔摩斯浮华的领巾是该角色唯一显示福尔摩斯身份的装束,尽管这似乎更适合2008年的布鲁克林,而非维多利亚时代的伦敦。

    In Guy Ritchie 's steampunk-inspired Sherlock Holmes movies , Robert Downey Jr. " s flashy ascots are the only recognizably Holmesian aspect of his costumes , even if they seem more appropriate to circa 2008 Brooklyn than Victorian London .

  18. 夏洛克的人物背景仍然忠于原著:福尔摩斯和华生医生依旧住在贝克街221B号;神秘凶手依旧激发着福尔摩斯的推理能力;这位神探依旧和他的死敌莫里亚蒂较量着。

    The setting of Sherlock remains true to the original story : Holmes and Dr Watson live at 221B Baker Street ; mysterious murders stimulate Holmes ' reasoning powers ; and the detective takes on his arch enemy Moriarty .

  19. 我跟着福尔摩斯沿着那条小路返回了那栋屋子。

    I followed Holmes along the path back to the house .

  20. 福尔摩斯先生说.你们可以上去了

    Mr Holmes said you can go right up . Oh .

  21. 福尔摩斯来滑铁卢车站向我们作别。

    Holmes came to Waterloo Station to say goodbye to us .

  22. 你们哪个是福尔摩斯?这个奇怪地出现的幽灵问。

    " Which of you is Holmes ?" asked this apparition .

  23. 福尔摩斯先生是否将亲自来这儿光临我们呢?他问道。

    ' Will Mr Holmes visit us himself ? 'he asked .

  24. 出乎意料吧,福尔摩斯先生?

    Didn 't expect that , did you , Mr Holmes ?

  25. 说吧福尔摩斯你肯定有些想法吧

    Well , Holmes ? Surely you must have some theory ?

  26. 我没有杀了那四个人,福尔摩斯先生。

    I didn 't kill those four people , Mr. Holmes .

  27. 误解:华生和福尔摩斯是中等年纪的绅士。

    Misconception : Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes are middle-aged gentlemen .

  28. “我们不该走得太远了,”福尔摩斯说道。

    ' We must not go too far , 'said Holmes .

  29. 曾有电影海报称福尔摩斯是披风斗士原型。

    One movie poster called Holmes the original caped crusader .

  30. 因为夏洛克·福尔摩斯要做尿检.

    Because Sherlock Holmes needs to pee in a jar . Well ?