
qī jiān
  • period;time;course;duration
期间 [qī jiān]
  • [time;period] 某个时期里面

  • 在放假期间

期间[qī jiān]
  1. 他在管理俱乐部期间投入了几百万培养新运动员。

    In his time managing the club he has invested millions on new players .

  2. 我觉得我们订婚期间非常不愉快。

    I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time .

  3. 战争期间,他大部分时间都在部队服役。

    He served in the ranks for most of the war .

  4. 我在罗马逗留期间只见过她一次。

    I only saw her once during my stay in Rome .

  5. 在大减价期间,这条裙子减价到10英镑。

    The skirt was reduced to £ 10 in the sale .

  6. 在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。

    During our meeting , he indicated his willingness to cooperate .

  7. 我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。

    I picked up a few good bargains in the sale .

  8. 这是妊娠期间锻炼的一些注意事项。

    Here are some dos and don'ts for exercise during pregnancy .

  9. 那段婚姻仅维持了一星期,期间从未同房。

    The marriage lasted only a week and was never consummated .

  10. 简休假期间我顶替她工作。

    I 'm covering for Jane while she 's on leave .

  11. 他通晓这种语言,所以逗留期间过得很惬意。

    His familiarity with the language helped him enjoy his stay .

  12. 在进行安全检查期间生产暂停。

    Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out .

  13. 孩子们在农场期间健康活泼有生气。

    The children had bloomed during their stay on the farm .

  14. 这些医院的关闭是在三年期间逐步进行的。

    Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period .

  15. 老板出国期间由谁代管?

    Who 's minding the shop while the boss is abroad ?

  16. 投诉调查期间,这位警员被暂停职务。

    The police officer was suspended while the complaint was investigated .

  17. 战争期间他们的土地被敌人占据了。

    During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy .

  18. 在特护期间给他使用了生命维持设备。

    He was put on a life-support machine in intensive care .

  19. 在他生病期间,他母亲一直守候在他床边。

    His mother has been at his bedside throughout his illness .

  20. 这期间的几年中我根本没有见过她。

    I saw nothing of her during the years that intervened .

  21. 别在交通高峰期间出行。

    Don 't travel at rush hour / in the rush hour .

  22. 我不在期间,由我的助手代替我。

    My assistant will stand in for me while I 'm away .

  23. 我出国期间体重一个劲地增加。

    The weight just piled on while I was abroad .

  24. 目的是缓解高峰期间的交通状况。

    The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods .

  25. 纠纷期间救护车司机只提供急救替班。

    Ambulance drivers provided only emergency cover during the dispute .

  26. 博物馆正在进行大修,在此期间暂停开放。

    The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out .

  27. 在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾。

    Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations .

  28. 在我父亲生病期间,她给了很多帮助。

    She was very supportive during my father 's illness .

  29. 罢工期间,我们设法保持最起码的公共汽车营运。

    We managed to operate a skeleton bus service during the strike .

  30. 经济衰退期间成千上万家小企业被迫关门了。

    During the recession thousands of small businesses went broke .