
biǎo zhāng
  • Recognition;commend;honour;cite;citation;fete
表彰 [biǎo zhāng]
  • [commend;cite] 表扬并嘉奖

  • 表彰先进人物

表彰[biǎo zhāng]
  1. 我尤其想表彰菲茨杰拉德博士的成就。

    I especially want to commend the efforts of Dr fitzgerald .

  2. 对在清洁生产工作中做出显著成绩的单位和个人,由人民政府给予表彰和奖励。

    The people 's governments shall commend and award units and individuals that achieve remarkable successes in their efforts to bring about cleaner production .

  3. 他被封为爵士,以表彰他对国家的贡献。

    His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood .

  4. 为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。

    For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit .

  5. 英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。

    The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer

  6. 他刚被授予了博士头衔以表彰他对地震学作出的贡献。

    He had just received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology .

  7. 消防人员中有3位因表现英勇而受到表彰。

    Three of the firefighters received commendations for their bravery .

  8. 他的出色战功得到表彰。

    He was cited for his distinguished service in the battle .

  9. 为了表彰他为公司所做的贡献,公司赠给他一块金表。

    He was given a gold watch in acknowledgement of his work for the company .

  10. 另外,为了表示对您成就的赞誉,我们将给您就读的高中发放奖旗,表彰您的中学有一名06-07的西门子准决赛获得者。

    In addition , to acknowledge your achievement we will be mailing your high school a banner to display announcing that there is a2006-07 Siemens competition semifinalist at your high school .

  11. 例如,2007年砖筑奖颁发给了她,以表彰年轻人为改变世界所作的努力。

    For example , she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the efforts of young people to change the world .

  12. 在接下来的几年里,世界各城市的人们都在5月1日停止工作,以表彰各地的工人。

    Over the next few years , people in cities around the world stopped working on May 1st to honor workers everywhere .

  13. 那位士兵死后因作战勇敢而受到表彰。

    After his death , the soldier was cited for spunk .

  14. 他被授予一幅卷轴,以表彰其所做出的成就

    He was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievements .

  15. 为表彰其为贫困家庭女孩教育所做的贡献,云南省丽江市华坪女子高级中学校长张桂梅日前被授予“时代楷模”称号。

    Zhang Guimei , the principal of Huaping High School for Girls , based in Lijiang city , Southwest China 's Yunnan province , has been granted the title " Role Model of the Times " in recognition of her dedication to the education for girls from poor families .

  16. 农民为自己的这一新发现激动不已,兴奋地对妻子说:“晒太阳是如此令人愉快,而人们却还不知道。我要把这一秘密献给国王,国王为了表彰我的忠诚,一定会给我很多赏赐物品。”

    He was very excited at his discovery , and he said to his wife , " Sun bath is so pleasant , but people do not know it . I will present this secret to the king , and he is sure to bestow5 many presents to me to reward my loyalty6 . "

  17. 在美国国家仪器公司(NationalInstruments),管理者有权对付出额外努力的员工进行表彰。

    At National Instruments , managers are given the tools to acknowledge employees for their extra effort .

  18. 为表彰他对艺术的创新贡献,他被授予2006年度的FRONT奖。

    For his innovative contributions to art , Tzu Nyen was given a FRONT award in2006 .

  19. INDEX大奖在每界展会中通过一个特殊的庆祝场合颁发,用来纪念和表彰非织造布开发领域中的创新和卓越成果。

    The INDEX Awards are presented during a special ceremony at each exhibition to recognize and reward innovation and excellence in nonwovens developments .

  20. 最后,为了表彰对Eclipse体系的贡献者,颁布了以下Eclipse奖项

    Finally , in recognition of their contributions towards the Eclipse ecosystem , the following Eclipse Awards were announced

  21. 由于她令人意想不到的成功轨迹,格罗斯曼本周被授予旨在表彰通讯领域杰出女性的“矩阵奖”(MatrixAwards)。

    For her unlikely success , she was honored this week at the matrix awards that go to top women in communications .

  22. 总统乔治·W·布什被波许的故事感动,最近在一封信里对他为国家做出的贡献给予表彰。

    President George W.Bush , touched by Pausch 's story , recently honored him in a letter , citing his service to his country .

  23. 他们转而决定,表彰伦敦布伦特区议会(brentcouncil)在“视员工如宠物”方面所取得的成就。

    They decided instead to recognise the achievement of Brent Council in London for treating its people like pets .

  24. 英特尔科学奖(IntelScienceTalentSearch)是美国最具权威的高中生科学竞赛奖项。上周,40名参加决赛的选手在华盛顿接受了表彰。

    The Intel Science Talent Search is the top science competition for high school students in the United States . The forty s were ed in Washington last week .

  25. 菲尔兹奖是由加拿大数学家约翰·查尔斯·菲尔兹(JohnCharlesFields)设立的,用以表彰已经完成的工作,并鼓励得主获取进一步的成就。

    The Fields Medal was conceived by John Charles Fields , a Canadian mathematician , in recognition of work already done and as an encouragement for further achievement .

  26. 新闻自由像Carol所说,是我们再次表彰JasonRezaian的原因。

    A free press is why , once again , we honor Jason Rezaian , as Carol noted .

  27. 更重要的是,她还是智库英国皇家国际事务研究所奖(chathamhouseprize)的获得者该奖专门表彰为改善国际关系作出贡献的人。

    More importantly , she is a laureate of the Chatham House prize , granted by the political think-tank for contributions to the improvement of international relations .

  28. 这是中国电影导演协会(ChinaFilmDirectors'Guild)2013年度表彰大会所传递出来的信息。此次大会年度影片和年度导演空缺,原因是缺乏高质量的参选者。

    That was the message from the China Film Directors ' Guild , which declined to hand out its two top prizes -- best picture and best director -- for 2013 , citing a lack of high-quality contenders .

  29. 这是我和丈夫欧内斯特(Ernest)给今年10岁的女儿姗的奖励,表彰她的坚忍和正能量。

    My husband , Ernest , and I were rewarding our 10-year-old daughter , Shan , for her stamina and good humor .

  30. 为了表彰玛利亚·克莱门特的杰出贡献,法国植物学家路易斯·特哈布特(LouisTrabut)在记录这个新品种的柑橘时将它命名为“克莱门特蒂娜柑橘”(Clementine)。

    The French botanist Louis Trabut noted the new variety and recommended it be called the Clementine in honor of Marie-Clement .