
  • 网络ideogram;Ideograph
  1. BMP按字母、音节、表意符号和各种符号及数字定义了常规使用的字符。

    The BMP defines characters in general use in alphabetic , syllabic and ideographic scripts as well as various symbols and digits .

  2. 在考虑退出战略时,我引用了WPP首席执行官马丁索雷尔爵士(SirMartinSorrell)创造的一个表意符号:LUV,分别描述了欧洲、北美和新兴经济体的复苏轨迹。

    In considering the exit strategy , I cited an ideogram invented by Sir Martin Sorrell of WPP : LUV , which describes the shape of the recoveries of European , North American and emerging economies respectively .

  3. 形式与意义&建筑作为表意符号

    The form and the meaning : architecture acts as expressing symbol

  4. 不要把研究特殊性的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。

    The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic , which is the adjective formed from ideogram .

  5. 女性身体形象可以被看作是在社会意识形态规范下形成的一套描述性和规范性的身体表意符号。

    The female body images are regarded as a set of descriptive and normative ideographic symbols restricted by the society ideology .

  6. 从萌芽初期的图画等表意符号,经过长期的演变,文字逐渐定型和统一。

    From ideographs in early days to a standardized system that we know today , Chinese Character took a long time for evolving and developing .

  7. 视觉文化是以图像为基本表意符号、以大众媒介为主要传播介质、以视觉性为精神内核,与通过理性运思的语言文化相较而言的一种通过直观感知的图像文化形态。

    Visual Culture is a image culture form compared with the language culture which regards the picture as the basic symbol expressing the meaning , the mass media as the main medium and the visuality as the core .

  8. 信息技术文化是信息技术教育中规范、价值、信仰和表意象征符号的复合体,信息技术文化冲突是普遍地、必然地存在着。

    The information technology civilization is the compound aspect of the standard , value , faith and the table images levies symbol .

  9. 本文重要立论依据是文化意义透过作为表意系统的各种符号形式被表达出来,即中华农耕社会集体意识意义透过蚕丝文化符号得以表达。

    In this paper , an important argument is based on cultural significance as an ideographic system through various symbols of the form to be expressed , namely the agricultural society collective consciousness through the silk culture symbol to express the meaning .