
  • 网络Surface bubbles;blisters;skin hole
  1. 对铸件进行热处理(T4)后,铸件表面气泡相对于普通压铸而言有明显改善,真空压铸铸件可以热处理。

    After heat treatment ( T4 ), vacuum assisted die cast parts showed much less surface blistering when compared to conventional die cast parts , demonstrating that vacuum assisted die castings are promising for heat treatment .

  2. 高强混凝土表面气泡防治实例分析

    The Example of Prevention of Bubbles on High Strength Concrete Surface

  3. 混凝土表面气泡问题综合分析

    Comprehensive analysis of air - filled cavities on surface of concrete

  4. 混凝土结构表面气泡产生的原因与防治

    Discussion on the Cause of Bubbles in Concrete Structural Surface

  5. 混凝土结构表面气泡的防治

    Prevention and Cure of Bubbles on Surfaces of Concrete Structures

  6. 三峡工程混凝土表面气泡形成原因分析

    Analysis on Surface Bubbles of Concrete for Three Gorges Project

  7. 减少混凝土表面气泡水泡的几种方法泄了气的或不冒泡的

    Several methods of reducing air-bubbles and water-bubbles on the surface of concrete

  8. 混凝土施工中表面气泡产生原因及解决方法

    Cause of gas cavity in concrete construction and settlement ways

  9. 墙体泵送混凝土表面气泡产生原因及预防措施

    Air bubble causes and prevention measures in FULLY-CAST-IN-PLACE concrete shear wall by pump

  10. 论清水混凝土表面气泡的特征与防治

    Discuss the characteristic and elimination methods of air voids on fair-faced concrete surface

  11. 悬式绝缘子瓷件头部夹层及伞表面气泡

    Porcelain Head Lamination and Shed Surface Bubble on Cap and Pin Type Insulators

  12. 水泥混凝土构件表面气泡的防治措施

    Prevention measures for cement concrete elements appearance bubbles

  13. 铁路桥梁混凝土表面气泡和砂纹的防治措施

    Prevention Measure Of Air Bladder And Sand Grain At Concrete Surface Of Railroad Bridge

  14. 同时,研究了上述样品的退火后的表面气泡聚集情况。

    At the same time , the surface bubble agglomeration is studies after annealing .

  15. 活塞阳极氧化表面气泡形成的机理及影响

    Mechanism for Air-Bubble Formation on Anodized Aluminum Alloy Piston and the Effect of Air-Bubble on Piston Performance

  16. 圆形洞室底拱混凝土表面气泡的成因及消减措施

    Causes of Formation & Decreasing Measures of Air Bubbles on Concrete Surface of Bottom Arch of Circular Tunnel

  17. 我们认为海洋表面气泡破裂时形成的水滴差不多是这些粒子的唯一来源。

    The origin of these particles is believed to be almost exclusively the jet drops formed during the bursting of bubbles at the ocean surface .

  18. 通过试验,研究了组成三峡二期工程混凝土的各种原材料的变化及不同的成型工艺等因素对混凝土表面气泡数量的影响。

    Experimental studies on influences of different materials and casting technologies on surface air bubbles of concretes for Three Gorges Project ( TGP ) were conducted .

  19. 结合工程实例分析了高等级混凝土表面气泡产生的原因、机理,并提出了一些减少气泡的有效措施。

    Combining practical projects , authors analyze creation reasons and mechanisms of bubbles on surfaces of high-grade strength concrete , and provide some measures to reduce the bubble amount .

  20. 根据端子产品塑件的结构、技术要求,对生产过程中产生的造成产品不合格的表面气泡和长针歪斜等因素进行了分析和改进。

    According to the structure and technical requirements of pin terminator plastic products , the unqualified products such as surface air-bubble and long needle deflection are analyzed and improved .

  21. 影响精度的主要因素之一是海洋环境的多变性。其中包括表面气泡层,内波,流,随机不均匀性等等。

    One of the main factors affecting the ranging accuracy is the multivariate character of ocean environment that contains surface bubble layer , internal wave , current and random inhomogeneity .

  22. 对水介质加压,将压缩电极表面气泡,减少气泡数目,从而可以提高水介质耐高电压击穿能力。

    Primary mechanism to improve electrical breakdown strength for pressurized water dielectric is that , bubbles on the surface of electrodes is compressed by pressurization and the number of the bubbles is reduced .

  23. 分析混凝土结构表面气泡产生的原因,对原材料使用不当、施工方法不当和施工环境不当提出了相应的解决办法。

    Through the analysis of the cause of bubbles in concrete structural surface , the corresponding solutions to the unsuitable use of material , improper construction method , and unfavorable construction environmental condition have been proposed .

  24. 通过对铁路桥梁混凝土表面气泡和砂纹形成原因的分析,从桥梁预制工艺5个方面进行试验研究,并提出了相应的防治技术措施。

    According to the analyses of forming causation of air bladder and sand grain at concrete surface of railroad bridge , this paper studies it from five aspects of bridge prefabricate craftwork , and puts forward relevant prevention technique measure .

  25. 介绍了混凝土结构物施工中表面气泡产生的原因,并就其产生原因进行了探讨分析,提出了相应解决混凝土表面气泡的方法,以减少或消除气泡的产生,从而提高混凝土结构物的施工质量。

    Based upon analysis of the reasons caused the surface bubbles in construction process of concrete structures measures are proposed to resolve this kind of defect in order to reduce surface bubbles and improve the construction quality of concrete structures .

  26. 混凝土表面存在气泡;

    Concrete surface existence air bubble ;

  27. 针对水泥混凝土构件表面出现气泡的原因,提出了减少和预防出现气泡的措施和对策。

    Aimed at the reasons that concrete elements appearance often appear bubbles , the measures to decrease and prevent bubbles are put forwards .

  28. 施工中采取了减少降低坍落度、加强振捣等措施,防止混凝土表面产生气泡。

    For avoiding to come into being a blister in the surface course of the side wall , a series of preventive measures included to reduce slump and to increase vibrating was adopted .

  29. 在较低的电流密度和电极电位下,离开阳极表面的气泡质量相等;阳极气泡覆盖电极表面面积随电流和电位的升高而增大。

    The gas bubble fled from the anodic surface involves equal mass at lower current densities or electrode potential and the area covered by the bubble increases with increasing current densities and electrode potentials .

  30. 系统对钢板表面的气泡、夹杂、结疤、划伤和压痕等主要缺陷进行无损检测,能够实现缺陷自动分类,对缺陷数据自动存档、屏幕显示、打印、存储和报警功能。

    Main surface defects such as bubble , inclusion , rolling skin , scratch and roll-mark can be detected non-destructively , and these surface defects are classed automatically and defects data can be kept in the archives , displayed , printed , stored and severe-defect-alarmed .