
  • 网络Hitchock method
  1. 本文以一个SCM工程项目为背景对APS在工程中的应用进行了初步的研究,针对受时间约束的配送问题,文中提出了一种基于表上作业法的改进算法。

    This thesis researches on some applications of APS in the background of one SCM project .

  2. 为解决异序排序问题,提出了新的表上作业法。该方法不仅可以解决2×n型异序排序问题,还可以有效地解决带优先加工约束2×n型异序排序问题。

    A new table method is created to solve job-shop problems , which can effectively solve 2 × n job-shop problems as well as 2 × n job-shop problems with preference sequence restraint .

  3. 接着总结了国内外求解露天矿运输问题的表上作业法、图上作业法、Hopfield网络和遗传算法等四种常用优化方法,及它们各自的优点和缺点;

    Then it summarize four optimization ways such as Calculation Method on-Table 、 Graphic Operation Method 、 Genetic Algorithms 、 Hopfield Neural Networks which in common use in optimizing transportation problems on open-pit in the world , and discussed their strong suits and defects .

  4. 赋权有向图最小生成树的表上作业法

    Table Operations Method for Minimum Spanning Tree Problem in Weighted Digraph

  5. 网络分析中最短路问题的表上作业法

    Algorithm on Table of the Minimum Route Problem in Network Analysis

  6. 广义运输问题不能用运输问题的表上作业法进行求解。

    Generalized transportation problem can 't be solved by table working method .

  7. 优美树求解的表上作业法

    The method of work on table to solve graceful tree

  8. 受时间约束的运输问题的表上作业法

    Scheduling Method in Table of Transportation Problem Limited in Time

  9. 一类价格折扣运输问题的改进表上作业法

    Improved Table-manipulation Method for Solving Transportation Problem with Price Discount

  10. 表上作业法在集体比赛项目中的应用

    The Application of Operation on Tables in Group Competition

  11. 运输问题的表上作业法的一个解释

    New explanation to tableau working method for transportation problems

  12. 产销平衡运输最低成本的表上作业法

    Chart Show of the lowest Transportation Cost when Production is Balanced to Sale

  13. 为求解上述模型,开发了嵌入表上作业法的遗传算法。

    To solve the model , a genetic algorithm with table working is developed .

  14. 运输问题表上作业法的改进

    Modification of the Table Algorithm for Transportation Problem

  15. 车辆调度问题的改进表上作业法

    Improved Transportation Tableau Method for Vehicle Scheduling

  16. 传统的松约束模型的解法,是在表上作业法的基础上,先求得对应紧约束模型的最优解,再进行调整。

    Traditional method based on diagram programming is to adjust the corresponding solution of strict-constrained model .

  17. 用表上作业法求解编组站配流问题的研究

    Study on wagon-flow allocating problem in a marshalling station by using calculating method on - table

  18. 线性规划的一种表上作业法

    A Hitchock Method of Linear Programming

  19. 运输问题一种新的表上作业法

    New Hitchock Method for Transportation Problem

  20. 本文提出广探生长树法是表上作业法中搜索闭回路的一种快速算法。

    We put forward a broad-searching-growing-tree-method that is a quicker algorithm for searching closed loop in operation-at-table-method .

  21. 研究方法:依据投入产出分析原理,借助表上作业法,完成村级土地利用规划方案的编制。

    Input-output analysis and tabular method are used to make the land use planning on village level .

  22. 本文利用线性规划中运输模型的表上作业法,安排制定最优生产计划。

    Arrange the optimal prodution plan based on method of table work of transportation model in liner programming .

  23. 基于表上作业法,针对受时间约束的配送问题,提出了一种改进的表上作业算法,并在实际系统中应用。

    Based on it , a kind of optimized arithmetic , which can be applied to logistics management system , is recommended .

  24. 本文首次提出了既带容量限制又有手续费用的平衡运输问题,建立了相应的数学模型并给出了求解这一模型的表上作业法。

    The capacitated fixed-charge transportation problem is proposed for the first time in the paper , and the corresponding mathematical model is constructed .

  25. 对比传统的工段分区法,展示了线性规划表上作业法的极大方便性和科学性。

    Compared with construction section district method , the maximal convenience and scientificalness about linear programming table-manipulation method are been brought forth . 2 .

  26. 用高斯消去法和动态规划的知识介绍对运输问题表上作业法的另一种解法。

    This paper is to introduce another solution to operation method expressed in tables of transportation problem with the knowledge of Gaussian elimination and dynamic programming .

  27. 给出了寻找闭回路的一种算法&支撑数算法,作为求解运输问题表上作业法的一个补充。

    One algorithm , supporting number algorithm for finding a closed circuit is given , which is supplement to operation in graphic method on solving transport problems .

  28. 对运量有上界的转运问题进行研究,给出了求解此类问题的两种求解算法:表上作业法和最小费用最大流法。

    Two methods of the minimum expenses and maximum flux and the table dispatching method to the rotating-transporting problem with a transport amounts upper bound were given .

  29. 结合联勤体制下我军弹药调运的特点,基于最低运费的原则,建立了弹药运输问题的单目标线性规划模型,并通过表上作业法求解了实际算例。

    Basing on the trait of United Logistics and the principle of min-cost , a single-objective linear programming model ( SLPM ) for the ammunition transportation problem is presented .

  30. 作为一般小规模的空车调配问题,其数学模型属于一类特殊的线性规划问题,表上作业法具有很好的求解效果。

    When dealing with small-scale distribution of empty wagons , the mathematical models are treated as linear programming problems , and the calculating method on-table obtains a good effect .