
  • 网络just-in-time logistics
  1. 准时制物流的实施模式及其比较研究嵌入式数据库嵌套实时事务模型研究

    The Implementation Mode of JIT Logistics and Its Comparison Research on nested real-time transaction model in embedded database system

  2. 准时制生产物流在中国汽车行业的应用

    Application of Just-In-Time Material Handling to Auto Industry in China

  3. 但是随着市场竞争的不断加剧和客户对物流服务要求的不断提升,迫切需要建立准时制的物流管理体系。

    With the continuous intensifying of the market competition and the continuous improvement of customer service requirements , there is an urgent need to create a just-in-time logistics management system .

  4. 因此,准时生产制将是物流发展的重要途径。

    So the just-in-time system will be the most important way to develop the logistics and material handling .