
  • 网络Procurement Scheme;VPP;Oracle Internet Procurement
  1. 在制订容量计划时,建议您咨询自己的硬件供应商和IBMTechLine,他们可以帮助您制订容量计划和新硬件的采购方案。

    For assistance with capacity planning , we recommend that you consult your hardware vendor and the IBM TechLine , which handles capacity planning for new hardware purchases .

  2. 运用进化计算和BP神经网络等方法,研究了IEBS中的主要业务处理问题,包括供应商资源发现与供应商信用评价、基于多目标进化规划的采购方案优化算法和智能交易支付协议;

    It studies the intelligence processing of main businesses in IEBS , which includes supplier resources discovery and its credit evaluation , optimization algorithm of order plan based on the multi-objective evolution programming and the intelligent transaction payment protocol by using evolution computation and BP neural network and so on ;

  3. 为什么你的机构需要一份新的采购方案?

    Why does your organization need to buy a new solution ?

  4. 基于非结构化模糊决策方法的设备采购方案评价

    The Equipment Procurement Scheme Evaluation Based on the Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Method

  5. 新的采购方案使得防务公司们必须打起精神。

    The new approach requires defence firms to pull up their socks .

  6. 电子资源联盟采购方案

    The Mode of Purchasing Electronic Resources for Library Alliance

  7. 基于B/S模式的流程企业原料采购方案设计

    A Material purchasing Scheme Based on B / S Model for Flowing Enterprises

  8. 改进的进化规划算法及其在采购方案优化中的应用

    Improved algorithm of evolutionary programming and its application research on optimization of ordering plan

  9. 基于电子商务的应急物资采购方案研究

    Research on Emergency Procurement Based on E-commerce

  10. 绿色产品及服务采购方案

    Green Product and Service Purchasing Programme

  11. 日本非项目采购方案

    Japanese Non-Project Procurement Programme

  12. 根据客户的实际需求,提供更为专业和周到的采购方案和技术支持。

    According to the actual needs of customers , provide more professional and thoughtful procurement scheme and technical sup1f40port .

  13. 图书馆文献询价采购方案综合评价的递阶优选&层次分析组合法

    A Composite Model of the In-Turn Filtration with Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Evaluation of Literature Quotation Schemes at Libraries

  14. 该方法可根据学校的办学目标和学科发展状况调整采购方案,也可对今后的采购资金分配进行最优化预测。

    This method can revise purchase plan according to develop of academic , and forecast optimizing plan about fund allocation of literature purchase .

  15. 加强合同管理,每年节省开支约2500万美元,解决了采购方案不合理、资金发放滞后等问题。

    About $ 25 million per year were saved through better contract management that addressed poor procurement planning and / or delayed release of financial resources .

  16. 在此基础上,结合现有图书库存量和灰预测得到的预期借阅率,共同得出预期图书的建议购买量,并由此组成了预期图书的建议采购方案。

    In this foundation , according to the present book stock and the anticipated borrowing rate , the book purchasing amount was obtained and the procurement scheme of .

  17. 该公司表示:我们在此时披露采购方案,是因为我们的谈判已达成了结果。这事与台湾问题没有关系。

    We have disclosed our purchase at this time because our negotiations have reached their conclusion ; it has nothing to do with the Taiwan question , it said .

  18. 并基于当前铁矿石市场格局,从企业管理的角度,为中国钢铁企业提供了一个可供选择或是借鉴的集中采购方案,作为个体钢铁企业应对原料市场垄断力量的内部组织方案。

    And from the perspective of business management , to provide an alternative or centralized purchasing plan for Chinese steel enterprises , to enhance the competitiveness of steel enterprise .

  19. 根据您的具体业务需求,协助您进行办公系统的需求分析,制订建设和采购方案;进行相关软件(操作系统、办公软件套件等)的搭配安装;制订软件更新周期表;办公系统优化方案。

    Based on your actual business requirements , helping you analyze the needs of your office system , formulating construction and purchasing plans , installing related software , such as the os , office oriented software ; formulating software updating periodical table , and office optimization plans .

  20. 基于六西格玛原理的战略采购实施方案

    Strategic Sourcing Programming Based on 6 Sigma Principle

  21. 基于团购模式的中国电子采购解决方案与应用研究

    Research on E-procurement and Application of Purchasing Consortia

  22. 企业电子采购解决方案

    Solution of electronic procurement scheme of enterprise

  23. 上海屹傲商务咨询有限公司是一家快速成长中的为国外公司提供专业策略性采购战略方案的服务公司。

    Ineo China consulting , Ltd is a fast growing service company specialized in providing strategic sourcing solutions to foreign firms .

  24. 本文结合李渡长江大桥施工过程中采购、方案及料机管理等方面的工作,阐述了项目成本控制方面的特点。

    Combining purchase , plan , material and machinery management of Lidu Changjiang bridge , this paper presents the characteristic of cost control of the project .

  25. 企业组织为获得“竞争优势”和“机动性”盲目地采购SOA解决方案,根本没有清晰地指出度量指标和成功标准

    Enterprise organizations pursued SOA initiatives based on desire to achieve ' competitive advantage ' and ' agility ' without specifying clear metrics and success criteria

  26. 本文提出了一种基于FLEX和J2EE技术架构的发电企业物资管理与电子商务采购平台解决方案。

    This paper puts forward a method based on J2EE and FLEX technical architecture of power generation enterprise material management and e-commerce purchasing platform solutions .

  27. 为LUKA的非生产物料集中采购提出解决方案,并在LUKA实施。

    For the non-production materials LUKA centralized purchasing a solution , and LUKA implementation .

  28. 因此,迫切需要一套功能完善、实用、方便、安全的政府采购网解决方案,来解决上述问题。

    So , a perfect , applied , convenient and secure solution is a pressing need .

  29. 模型已应用于该工程物资调运决策支持系统中,运行实践表明,该模型能够辅助调度人员制定合理的物资采购与调运方案。

    Its operation shows that it can assist the dispatcher in drawing rational scheme of material stocking and dispatching .

  30. 通过市场信息分析预测,指导原料采购、生产方案的改变、以及销售策略的制定。

    The analysis and forecast of market information guides the development of procurement of raw materials , changes of production program and the sales strategy .