
  1. 政府还在努力为医疗设备制定指导价,并将调查那些采购费显然过高的医院。

    The government is also trying to issue guideline prices for equipment and to investigate hospitals that appear to pay too much .

  2. 装备维修费在总量上越来越高,且与装备采购费相比,呈现出两高的趋势。

    Equipment maintenance costs at more and more on high-volume , showing a " two-high " trend , compared with the procurement of equipment .

  3. 而后依次具体分析财政政策、金融政策、投资政策、税收政策、价格政策、政府采购政策、费收政策、押金政策、产业政策的创新内容。

    Then , the innovation contents of the fiscal policy , financial policy , investment policy , revenue policy , price policy , governmental stock policy , expending policy , deposit policy , and industrial policy are analyzed separately .

  4. 订购数量较大,采购成本和交货费较低。

    Order qty is bigger , the procurement cost and delivery charge are lower .

  5. 国际工程总承包投标报价中的费用包括采购费用、施工费、设计费和采购服务费、管理费用、其他费用、预备费、利润等。

    The expenses in bidding quote for turn-key contract of international engineering includes purchasing cost , construction cost , designing cost , purchasing service cost , overhead expense , other expenses , preparatory fund , profit , and so on .