
  • 网络Sampling error;sample error;resampling error
  1. 自适应光学系统中采用CCD作为哈特曼波前传感器的光斑质心位置探测器时,由于光斑的高斯宽度较小会带来大采样误差。

    The Gauss width of focal spot which is too small results in the sampling error while using CCD as the centroid detecting device of Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor ( SHWS ) in Adaptive Optics ( AO ) system .

  2. 本文对几种常用的MPPT方法进行了详细的阐述和对比,分析了MPPT方法中误判的产生机理,重点讨论了采样误差、采样时间、变化步长对导纳增量法跟踪性能的影响。

    By introducing and comparing several typical MPPT methods , this thesis discusses mechanism of misjudgment in MPPT , especially the effect to incremental conductance method caused by sampling error , sampling time and step variation .

  3. 溶解氧采样误差对监测值的影响分析

    Analysis of Influence by sampling error to dissolved oxygen monitoring value

  4. 针对同步采样误差的电网谐波检测算法研究

    Study on power harmonics measurement algorithm in response to synchronous sampling error

  5. 电力系统中非同步采样误差的研究

    Research on non-synchronous sampling errors in electric power system

  6. 周期信号同步采样误差分析

    Error Analysis for Synchronous Sampling of Periodic Signal

  7. 简谐信号采样误差的计算分析

    Calculation & Analysis of Sinusoid Sampling Error

  8. 采样误差分析

    The Analysis of the Error in Sampling

  9. 白车身焊装过程小样本采样误差的计算机仿真

    Estimating Sampling Error of Small Sample Based on Monte Carlo Simulation During the Course of BIW Assembly

  10. 针对非整周期采样误差影响频率计算的精度的问题,研究了频谱校正方法。

    In order to reduce the systematic error introduced by non-integer-period sampling , the spectrum correction methods were studied .

  11. 文中提出了影响全电子式电度表测量精度的主要因素采样误差的软件自校正补偿方法,其特点是硬件易于实现,无需反复调整一次完成。

    In this paper , a method of software compensation for extract error which influences mainly on precision is presented .

  12. 在区域化探中必须应用三层套合方差分析对样品的采样误差和分析误差进行统计分析。

    In local chemical exploration , the variance analysis of three-stage-model must be applied to estimate analytical uncertainly and sample-collecting error .

  13. 采用计算机采样误差信号并控制输出电压的方法,实现连续输出的钛宝石激光器稳频。

    It is reported using a computer sampling error signal and outputting control voltage to stabilize frequency of the Ti ∶ sapphire laser .

  14. 对控温信号采用了锁存技术,可以消除电机起动与停止导致电网波动所引起的采样误差。

    By using signal latching technique on temperature contrcller , the measurement error caused by electric network fluctuation induced by start-up and shut-off motor can be eliminated .

  15. 该算法几何直观性强、操作简单,对平面上具有不同形状和不均匀采样误差的散乱数据都能得到很好的重构效果。

    The algorithm described here is simple , fast and intuitive , and achieves very good results when reconstructing curves from planar scattered data with different shapes and varying sampling errors .

  16. 介绍一种利用空间向量求解坐标变换关系的方法,简化了传统的坐标系之间坐标变换关系求解的复杂计算,减小了采样误差对计算结果的影响。

    Also , a kind of granulation vector space theories based on computing with words is demonstrated in details , and an artificial neural networks model based on the theories is discussed here .

  17. 为了确保时标的精度,减少时间信息解码过程中的采样误差,从方法、设计两方面考虑,采取了一系列的措施,保证了时标设计的精度。

    The system adopted a series of measures considering from means to design and supported the precision of design , for decreasing the collection error in the process of timing decoding and en - suring the precision of timing .

  18. 系统误差包括传感器的温度误差、非线性误差和灵敏度误差,数据采集中的采样误差和A/D转换误差,以及计算机与检测软件中的计算机运算误差、显示误差和数据处理误差。

    Systematic error includes temperature error , nonlinear error and sensitive error of sensors , sampling error and analog-digital conversion error in data acquisition , computer calculation error , displaying error and data processing error of virtual instrument software .

  19. 文中还指出,如果不考虑深度域与时间域之间的重采样误差,常规时间域合成地震记录经时深转换到深度域后的结果应该与本文介绍的深度域合成地震记录结果一致。

    The paper also pointed out that the results transformed synthetic seismograph in time domain into depth domain by time-depth transform should be consistent with that introduced in the paper if the resampling errors between depth and time domains are neglected .

  20. 高寒灌丛的采样误差主要来源于植被覆被变化及其所引起的全磷在空间上的再分配过程;而高寒草甸的采样误差则主要来源于微地形和坡面磷素迁移。

    The main cause of sampling error in alpine shrub is the plant cover change and spatial partitioning of soil total P , but the causes of sampling errors in alpine meadow is micro-terrain and transplant of phosphorus along the slope .

  21. 采用了滑动平均法弱化了采样误差,通过数学统计分析,得到了生态区相同土地经济系数等值区内耕地收益与标准粮之间的函数模型。

    The sampling error was made feeble though the slide average method . By the way of mathematic statistic analyses , the function medal of cultivated land income and standard grains in the same area of uniform land economic index districts was got .

  22. 基于云类样本的红外可见光二维灰度空间投影,采用模糊聚类方法调整优化云类样本特征区域,消除采样误差。

    Based on two-dimensional ( infared and visible ) gray space projection of cloud classification samples , the fuzzy clustering method ( FCM ) is used to adjust and optimize the characteristic area of cloud classification samples and to reduce the sampling errors .

  23. 叙述电网电量测量原理,及电网波形随机波动引起的信号采样误差,提出了采样周期的跟踪技术以及在此基础上对采样数据加权处理的采样误差补偿方法。

    The paper introduced measure principle about virtual value of current , voltage , power in electrified net and sampling error caused by these electricity signal waving , suggested tracking technic of sampling period and compensating method of treating sampled data with weighting modulus .

  24. 连续信号的离散化,是设计数字化信号采集系统时不可避免要遇到的问题。因此,采样误差的讨论对高保真的信号采集具有重要意义。

    It can 't avoid that the problem of transforming a continue signal into a discrete digital series in the process of design a digitalized signal sampling system , so it is importance to discuss the sampling error for Hi - Fi digital sampling system .

  25. 分析研究了几种科技文献老化数学模型,讨论了引文年代分布数据统计中引文频次的采样误差。基于过程辨识理论,提出了科技文献老化的数学辨识模型,即传递函数模型。

    In this paper , the authors analyze several mathematical models of the aging of scientific documents , discuss errors in the sampling of citation frequencies in the statistics of date distribution data , and propose a mathematical recognition model based on the process recognition model .

  26. 基于ARM的同步交流采样和误差补偿

    AC Synchronous Sampling Based on ARM Microprocessor and Errors Compensation

  27. 分析基于DSP的电气参数测试仪测量原理,非理想同步采样的误差。

    The hardware and software of an electrical parameter meter based on DSP are discussed in this paper .

  28. 本文先设计了一个单路恒流单元,包括了电流采样、误差放大、PWM输出以及过流保护等模块。

    A single string constant current module was implemented as a basic drive module , which included load current sampling circuit , error amplifier circuit , PWM output control circuit and over current protection circuit .

  29. 宽带信号延迟采样方法误差分析仿真研究

    Simulation of Error Analysis of Wideband Signal Delay Sampling Method

  30. 电力参数交流同步采样截断误差的估计

    Truncated error of electrical power parameters in digital sampling measurement