
  • 网络Bulk purchase;bulk purchasing;bulk buying
  1. 资格预审旨在使这些机构从种类繁多的优质药品中,为大宗采购做出恰当的选择。

    Prequalification is intended to give these agencies the choice of a wide range of quality medicines for bulk purchase .

  2. 大多数已发生的大宗采购是由个人投资者进行的,他们在寻求巨大的投资机会。

    Most of the bulk buying today is done by individual investors seeking investment opportunity .

  3. 大宗采购保证了大幅度降低价格。

    Large procurement volumes have secured substantial price reductions .

  4. 确定执行发起人和大宗采购任务

    Secure executive sponsor and top level buy in

  5. 他总是大宗采购东西。

    He buys things in large quantities .

  6. 或许是生产厂商愿意为大宗采购而降低价格。

    Manufacturers , it seems , are willing to bring down prices in return for big volume purchases .

  7. 黄茶的出现应该感谢当地人民和并未出现大宗采购。

    Yellow teas are made for the appreciation of locals and have never had a broad market presence .

  8. 对于大宗采购物资和重要生产物资,要对供应商实地考查对比,可以准确地做到择优采购。

    When staple and important commodities are purchased , checking and comparing their suppliers on the spot can optimize purchase accurately .

  9. 这是大宗采购的好时机,然而,还是要等到十月中旬以后再买车、卡车或摩托车吧。

    This is a good time for major purchases ; however , wait until mid-October to buy cars , trucks and motorcycles .

  10. 批发商是`从生产商处大宗采购,并向下个层次零售商重新分销商品的中间商的中间商。

    Wholesalers are middlemen who buy in large quantities from the producers and redistribute the goods to the middlemen at the next level retailers .

  11. 但据信实际支出数字将远高于此,因为官方数字可能不包括大宗采购和其它花费。

    The real spending figure is believed to be much higher , however , since the official number probably does not include large procurements and other costs .

  12. 而因为种种原因,这“比人们一般所认为的要困难得多”。其中一个原因就是,对于非自产的配件,特斯拉无法获得大宗采购折扣。

    " It 's just so much harder than people recognize ," for several reasons , one of which is that Tesla won 't get volume purchasing discounts for the parts it doesn 't manufacture .

  13. 高校大宗物资采购管理改革的思考

    Thought on the Reform of Handling Big Purchase in Universities

  14. 奥组委大宗物品采购采取政府采购方式,通过招投标进行统一采购。

    Bulk commodity purchase by BOCOG shall be carried out through the system of government purchases and open bidding .

  15. 世卫组织通过资格预审的药物清单现已成为国际采购机构的大宗药品采购指南,同时也为越来越多的国家所采用。

    WHO 's list of prequalified medicinal products is used by international procurement agencies and increasingly by countries to guide bulk purchasing of medicines .

  16. 近年来,我校在这方面采取了定期开展干部任期经济责任审计、做好关键岗位的重点环节防范、规范大宗物资采购等措施。

    In recent years , our school take some measures on periodic cadre economic auditing , being on guard the key links of the main posts and material purchasing standardization .

  17. 简要阐述了高速公路服务区建设中涉及到的工程现场管理、工程合同及造价管理、大宗设备采购的程序等有关内容及工作重点。

    This article discusses in brief the content and its key points of the procedures including the management of works related with the construction of the auxiliary service area for expressway , the contract of the project , the management of construction cost , the purchase for the equipment .

  18. 大宗物资集中采购的调运计划研究

    Study on Dispatching Planning for Purchase of Bulky Cargo

  19. 负责集团全国塑料类大宗材料专项采购,制定并实施采购策略及降成本方案。

    In charge of national plastic category purchasing ; identify and carry out purchasing strategy productivity projects .

  20. 文中介绍了招标投标工作的基本程序和方法,认为招标投标还可以用于矿权转让、矿山工程建设、大型设备和大宗材料的采购等。

    The paper introduces the fundamental procedure and method , and holds that bid invitation and bid submission can also be used in the transfer of mineral rights and mining projects , and the purchasing of large scale equipment and bulk materials .