
dà pái dǎnɡ
  • food stalls
  1. 在古希腊和古罗马,路边摊和大排档在繁忙的城市市集上就已经很常见了。

    Roadside stands and food stalls in busy urban markets were commonplace in ancient Greece and Rome .

  2. 如果你想过一把讨价还价的瘾,晚上的紫禁城东门外的附近有汇集全国各地的大排档。

    If you are budget travelers , there are the food stalls at night near the East Gate of the Forbidden City with food from all over China .

  3. 第二代街头小贩HuangYing-tong称,他家在台北士林夜市上经营烧烤大排档已经有30年了,外来小吃的入侵对他而言一点都不构成困扰。

    Second-generation street vendor Huang Ying-tong said the invasion of foreign food in Shilin Night Market , where his family has been selling an array of barbecued grub for 30 years , doesn 't bother him at all .

  4. 简:你觉得大排档里卖的东西好吃吗?

    Jane : How do you like the food sold in this sidewalk snack booth ?

  5. 椰浆饭是马来人最普遍的食品,虽然在每个新加坡的大排档都可以找得到,但只有马来人做的才是最好味、最正宗的。

    Nasi Lemak is a popular Malay dish made of rice cooked in coconut milk .

  6. 而我们,每天吃连大排档的员工餐都不如的饭菜!

    Our daily food stall to eat the staff meal even not as good as the meal !

  7. 它有点象大排档,但锅贴物美价廉。

    It looks like a greasy spoon but the potstickers are great and the price is cheap .

  8. 据悉,这场戏是描述周董到大排档,与大排档老板廖启智见面。

    This scene was reportedly to describe Chairman Chou 's meeting with a hawker ( Liu Kai Chi ) .

  9. 往往用地沟油的都是一些快餐店、大排档、小摊,包括一些企业的内部员工食堂。

    The drainage oil is usually used by fast food restaurants , food stalls , street food stands and including some companies'in-house cafeterias .

  10. 每当夜幕降临时,信义坊靠近莫干山路一侧的海鲜大排档里,南来北往的食客会拥到这里来品尝海鲜美食,人气相当地旺。

    When night falls , many people from different places in Hangzhou will go to the Xinyifang seafood restaurant on the road side of the Moganshan road to enjoy the seafood .

  11. 我看到人们在人民广场跳华尔兹舞,年轻人玩滑板直至深夜。几乎每个人都在享受烤羊肉串的美味,要么坐在餐馆里慢慢品味,要么坐在街头大排档大快朵颐。

    I saw couples waltzing in people 's square , youngsters skateboarding late at night , and pretty much everyone enjoying skewered barbecued lamb in restaurants and from street vendors throughout the city .

  12. 在特拉维夫的大排档,你还可以加上鹰嘴豆泥、泡菜、烤茄子沙拉、山羊奶酪薯条(直接夹到里面),还有各类值得冒险尝试的酱汁。

    At Tel Aviv falafel stands , you can also add hummus , pickled veggies , roasted eggplant salad , feta cheese , French fries ( just stuff ' em in ) and a wide assortment of adventurous hot sauces .

  13. 大约60%的新加坡人每周外出就餐次数不低于四次,他们主要去全城随处可见的大排档和美食街;这些地方出售的都是面条、米饭和廉价菜,烹饪时放入了大量的油。

    About 60 per cent of Singaporeans eat out four times a week or more , mostly from hawker stalls and food courts scattered across the city state that sell cheap dishes based on rice and noodles that are often cooked with a lot of oil .

  14. 在成都,街头巷尾随处都能吃到还过得去的麻婆豆腐,无论是金碧辉煌的大饭店,还是一人主厨的简陋的大排档。

    In Chengdu , you 're rarely more than a city block from a passable version , whether it 's served in an establishment dripping with gold leaf and crystal chandeliers or a rustic open-air eatery run by a lone cook working a single wok .

  15. 还有大笪地蚬面(售价78港元),是一种大排档风格的蛤蜊炒面,配上了辣椒、大蒜和鲜美的黑豆。

    The Hawker 's Homemade Noodle Vongole ( HK $ 78 ), is a dai pai dong-style clams and stir-fried noodle dish with chili , garlic and umami-rich black beans .