
  • 网络Davao;DVO
  1. 大堡子山古墓的文物在上世纪九十年代被大量的掠夺,包括黄金饰品在内被抢夺到了海外。

    Tombs in Dabuzhishan were badly looted during the 1990s and a large number of relics , including the gold ornaments , were smuggled abroad .

  2. 在参加古墓文物展出时,戴迪安称,他希望所有大堡子山遗失海外的文物都可以尽快“被返还到家园团聚”

    While attending an exhibition on the tombs , Deydier said he hoped all Dabuzishan artifacts lost in foreign lands could soon " return home and be united . "

  3. 这些黄金饰品都是从甘肃大堡子山挖出的.历史上这里属于秦国.秦国处于中国历史当中的春秋战国时期(公元前770—476年).在公元前221年,秦始皇统一了所有王国并成为了中国第一任皇帝

    The gold items came from tombs in Dabuzishan in Gansu . They belonged to residents of Qin , one of the many kingdoms during the Spring and Autumn period ( 770 BC-476 BC ) of Chinese history . In 221 BC , the king of Qin united the kingdoms and became China 's first emperor .