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  1. 由于取消了记忆卡插槽,新手柄很明显的要比原始美版大柄和S型日版小柄要更轻巧纤细。

    There 's no memory card slot , which immediately makes the new controller both smaller and lighter than the original or the S-type .

  2. 肉铺用斧子或切肉大菜刀柄,贱金属制

    Handle for butchers ' choppers or cleavers , of base metal

  3. 任何时候大钳柄都要保持水平。

    The rig tong arms should be kept in level at all times .

  4. 大拍柄用螺栓固定在中拍柄和小拍柄的一端,可供手握作横拍使用。

    A big bat handle is fixed at one ends of the middle bat handle and the small bat handle by bolts , which can be used for hand holding as the side bat .

  5. 在使用直径大的股骨柄时近端股骨的应力遮挡更为明显。

    Stress shielding of the proximal femur is more pronounced with large-diameter stems .

  6. 大偏心双曲柄单缸柴油机运动规律及工作过程的研究

    Characteristics of Motional Law of Large Eccentric Double Crank Connecting Rod Mechanism Adopted in Single Cylinder Diesel Engine and Its Influences on Working Process of Diesel Engines

  7. 广东海水网箱养殖鱼类细菌和寄生虫病原的分离、鉴定及流行病学调查由此反映了深海抗风浪网箱养出来的大黄鱼头大、尾柄细、体形较传统网箱养殖大黄鱼瘦长。

    Isolation , Identification and Epidemiological Investigation of Parasitic and Bacterial Pathogens from Marina Culture Fish in Guangdong ; It can be seen that the Large Yellow Croakers " Pseudosciaena crocea " Richardson cultured in the current-resistence submerged cages have big heads , fine candal peduncles and good body shapes .