
  1. 大理河流域不同时间尺度水沙变化影响因素及趋势研究

    Analysis on Variation Characteristics and Tendency of Runoff and Sediment at Different Time-scale in Dali River Basin

  2. 黄河中游大理河地区输沙过程的估算模式

    Estimate Model for Sediment Transport Process of Dali River Region on the Middle Reaches of the Huanghe River

  3. 大理河流域水土保持措施减沙量与汛期降雨量关系最为密切,二者呈正相关关系;

    The sediment reduction of soil and water conservation measures has close relation with flood season rainfall and shows positive correlation between them .

  4. 洱海是云南大理的母亲河,水体污染日趋严重引起社会的广泛关注。

    Erhai lake is the mother river of Dali , Yunnan , and an increasingly serious pollution of Erhai lake has been paid much attention by the society .