
  • 网络dead stock;deal stock
  1. 我司有着广泛的销售渠道可以帮您迅速处理积压库存盘活资金。

    Our wide network of distribution channels enable our customer to get quick payment for excess inventory .

  2. 另本公司常求购各种规格积压库存管以及特殊规格厚壁管。

    Another of the companies often purchase a variety of inventory backlog and the special requirements of the thick wall .

  3. 大宗商品行业也面临大量积压库存,最明显的是煤中国许多港口都堆起了煤山。

    The commodities sector is also dealing with a huge inventory overhang , most graphically in the piles of coal that have built up at ports across the country .

  4. 他起初在纽约的街头出售玩具和美容产品,但很快发现销售积压库存和尾货可以获得高额利润。

    He initially sold toys and beauty products on the streets of New York but soon discovered a knack for selling surplus stock and end-of-line items at a big profit .

  5. 钽铌制品企业生产具有产品多、工艺流程长、生产进度控制难、生产中物料积压、库存繁乱、流动资金占用大等特点。

    But columbium goods have the characteristic of much-manufacture 、 long technical flow 、 hard to control production schedule 、 material overstock in production 、 chaos stock 、 great tie up of money and so on .

  6. 过多的库存造成资金积压、库存过期、库存成本过高等问题,而没有库存却会导致缺件无法生产满足客户的风险。

    Excess inventory will lead to overstock , inventory expiring , large inventory cost , etc. While if no stock , it will bring about shortage risk , which means no production to meet the customer demand .

  7. 以刘利刚为首的澳新银行集团(ANZ)分析师在一份报告中写道:受二三线城市积压的大量库存的拖累,全国性的楼市复苏仍将是个漫长而艰苦的过程。

    A nationwide property market recovery will remain a prolonged and strenuous process , dragged by large inventory overhangs in second and third-tier cities , Australia and New Zealand Banking Group analysts led by Liu Li-Gang wrote in a note .

  8. 这些问题归根到底表现为物料管理方法陈旧,工作效率低下,从而导致了库存积压严重,库存成本居高不下。

    These problems embody the obsolete method of materials management and the lower work effect .

  9. 汽油价格飙升和全球抵押贷款支持证券的崩溃让汽车经销店异常冷清,积压了大量库存的汽车。

    Spiking gas prices and the global meltdown of mortgage-backed securities were creating visions of empty dealerships loaded with unsold inventory .

  10. 库存管理是制造企业管理的核心部分,我国的大多数企业库存管理方法陈旧,工作效率低下,导致库存积压严重,库存成本居高不下。

    Inventory management is the core of enterprise management . In China , inventory management is featured with outdated method and low efficiency , which leads to overstock and expensive stock cost .

  11. 清仓:当库存出现积压时需要减少库存量,也是一手的品质。

    Overstocks : arises when our inventory is too high , and needs to be drastically reduced-always first hand quality .

  12. 房地产市场崩盘之后,他们的敌人包括:积压过多的库存、一再下跌的房价、满目疮痍的经济和急剧收缩的需求。

    Following the housing crash , they battled inventory gluts , tumbling home prices , a decimated economy , and a sharp pullback in demand .

  13. 库存管理是企业管理的核心部分,通过采用高效的处理方式和管理方法,提高员工工作效率,改善库存库存积压严重,解决库存成本高,物料周转慢的现状。

    Inventory management is a core part of enterprise management . Companies improve staff efficiency , reduce inventory overstock and solve the high inventory costs through efficient handling and management methods .

  14. 中国房地产开发商发现,他们不得不牺牲利润以提振销售,因为房地产市场低迷让他们积压了越来越多库存,同时获取新融资的途径十分有限。

    Chinese property developers are finding themselves forced to sacrifice profits to boost sales , as the downturn in the housing market saddles them with bulging inventories and limited access to new funding .

  15. 但随着行业的迅速发展,越来越多的电子企业面临元器件大量积压的问题,库存管理成为企业亟待解决的问题。

    But with the rapid development of the industry , a growing number of electronic components enterprises face the problem of backlogging , so the issue of inventory management should be solved as soon as possible .