
  1. 建立现代采购新理念拓展采购的内涵与功能

    Expanding of the connotation and function of acquisition

  2. 分析了网上逆向竞拍这一新型采购方式,从理论准备、对比分析、实际应用三个方面分析了网上逆向竞拍在现代采购中的应用原理与实务。

    The paper analyzes the new procuring method of network reverse auction and the principle , operation of applying network reverse auction in modern procurement .

  3. 在本文的第三章,分别介绍了几个基本的现代采购模式,通过对比分析让我们更深入的了解了各个采购模式的特点。

    In this third chapter , were introduced a few basic models of modern purchasing , by comparing us a better understanding of the characteristics of each purchasing .

  4. 用现代采购管理的理念采购到低价、不影响产品工艺质量的可替代资源给水泥企业带来的是良好的效益。

    By using the theory of modern purchase management , purchasing cheap substitute resource which does not affect the quality of production and yields JD Concrete Corporation good profit .

  5. 传统采购是一种操作性的业务工作,而现代采购则是企业实现战略目标、提高核心竞争力的重要手段。

    Traditional procurement is just a business work , while modern procurement is an important management through which can achieve the strategic objectives and improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise .

  6. 然后通过对供应链管理理论、现代采购管理理论和组织流程再造理论进行阐述,提出了在供应链环境下现代采购管理的一般模式及采购流程再造的观点。

    Then based on the theory of supply chain management , procurement of modern management theory and process reengineering theory carries on the elaboration , proposed under the environment of supply chain procurement of modern management mode and purchasing business process reengineering perspectives .

  7. 为了研究现代商业采购目的,开发了一种复杂标的物的投标决策模型。

    A bidding decision model was developed for complex bids during modern business procurement activities .

  8. 现代政府采购制度:理论与创新

    The Study on the System of Modern Government Procurement : The Theory and Blazing New Trails

  9. 现代企业采购管理

    Purchasing Management of Modern Enterprise

  10. 从五个方面提出了我国现阶段推行现代政府采购制度的政策建议。

    The article puts forward suggestions on the pursuit of modern government procurement system in five respects .

  11. 第2章和第3章分别概括阐述了政府采购和政府采购制度、现代政府采购制度的理论渊源及其缺陷。

    Chapters 2 and 3 defines government procurement and government procurement system and reviews the theories of modern government procurement system and its defects .

  12. 如何在供应链管理思路指导下,控制采购成本并持续改进,将是现代企业采购工作需要重点思考的问题。

    How to control the procurement costs and keep it improving under the guidance of supplying chain will be a important question for modern enterprise to think .

  13. 第二章介绍了军事采购相关理论,以及现代军事采购市场资源配置的建议和军队现代后勤战略的构想。

    Chapter II describes the related military purchase theories , as well as the suggestion of resource allocation in modern military purchase market and the imagination of modern military logistics strategy .

  14. 现代物流的采购成本控制方式

    Modern Goods Flow Purchasing Cast Control Way

  15. 现代企业的采购市场是多重因素的组合体,而且因素之间存在着差异,也就是说存在着细分的可行性。

    The purchase market of modern enterprises is a combination of many elements , and there are differences between these elements , which indicate that the feasibility of market subdivision exists .

  16. 在进行现代卖场传统采购与销售策略和运作模式分析之后,运用动态规划方法和神经网络建立相应的满足市场竞争要求、符合未来发展趋势的策略制定模型。

    After analyzing traditional procurement and sales strategies as well as operation modes of modern markets , it uses the dynamic programming approaches and neural network to build a corresponding strategy-formulating model that meets demands of market competition and complies with future development tendency .

  17. 现代企业的全球采购进一步增强了港口企业之间的竞争。

    Global procurement of modern business enterprise further enhanced the competition between ports .

  18. 现代电子制造企业采购管理研究

    The Studies on Procurement Administration of Electronic Manufacturing Industry