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  1. 利用本公式求n阶矩阵的逆,只要简单地计算n次两个矩阵之积和n次两个矩阵之差即可,避开了计算伴随矩阵和行列式的麻烦。

    When this method is applied to solve the n-order inverse matrix , it is only required to compute the product of two matrices n times and the difference of two matrices n times , thus the troubles on computing the determinant and the adjugate matrix are averted .

  2. 模型的并、积与齐次模型

    The union , product of models and homogeneous models

  3. 交叉积与极大次环

    Crossed products and maximal orders

  4. 该方法主要体现了两次反褶积,一次是采用地表一致性反褶积,将不同震源的频带拓宽到一个标准上;

    It is included that two deconvolution in the method : surface consistent deconvolution to widen frequency band consistently ;

  5. 在求解过程中,利用成熟的Delaunay三角形剖分技术,采用FEM三节点三角形单元的形函数作为权函数,可以减少域积分中被积函数的阶次,提高了计算效率。

    In the implementation , based on the well established Delaunay triangulation , the FEM shape functions of three nodes triangular are taken as test functions , which reduce the order of integrands involved in domain integrals and improves the computational efficiency of the method .

  6. 一个二次可积系统在二次保守扰动下的分支

    Bifurcation of a Quadratic Integrable System under Quadratic Conservative Perturbations

  7. 一类三次可积系统在三次扰动下的分支三维动态频谱分析仪

    Bifurcation of Cubic Integrable System under Cubic Perturbation ; three-dimensional dynamic spectrum analyser

  8. 研究了一个具有同宿轨的二次可积系统在二次保守扰动下的分支现象。

    The question on bifurcation of limit cycles in quadratic conservative perturbations of a quadratic integrable system is discussed .

  9. 在被积函数是二次连续可微或二次分段连续可微的条件下,考虑了定积分近似计算的中点矩形法、梯形法和抛物线法,并且得到误差的最佳估计。

    Approximately calculating definite integrals by midpoint-rectangular method , trapezoidal method and parabolic method are considered for the integrands which are twice continuously differentiable or twice piecewise continuously differentiable and the best estimations of errors are obtained .