
  1. 至少也得十几岁再。

    At least not until your teens .

  2. “那日,偶又游至维扬地面,因闻得今岁鹾政点的是林如海。”

    " One day his travels again took him to yangzhou , where he learned that the salt commissioner that year was Lin hai . "

  3. 被问及是否会参演电影时,史密斯告诉格拉汉姆•诺顿说:“我演不了了,那时候她都多大岁数了?等我们拍完的时候,她都得110岁了。这个故事不可能一直继续下去,那样不合理。”

    Asked if she would appear in any film , Smith told Graham Norton : " I can 't - what age would she be ? By the time we finished , she must have been about 110 . It couldn 't go on and on , it just didn 't make sense . "

  4. 在中国你是否得等到21岁才能喝酒?

    Do you need to be21 to drink alcohol in China ?

  5. 他们把这个女人打扮得像十几岁一样。

    They jazzed up the woman till she looked like a teenager .

  6. 我相信我们斗得过十岁的孩子.

    I think we can outfox a 10-year-old .

  7. 曼尼,我说了那俱乐部得年满21岁才能进。

    Ay , Manny , I told you , it 's a 21 and over club .

  8. 努尔道得,25岁,来自耶路撒冷,如果没有在赛道上成功,就会一直继续坚持;

    Noor Dauod , 25 , from Jerusalem , who is determinedly persistent , if not always successful on the race track ;

  9. 如果他想正式移民美国,就得在十八岁时回去。

    If he wanted his immigration status to be US citizen , then he had to return by the time he was 18 .

  10. 参与此次研究的企业家和经理人平均年龄都是50岁出头,但虽然经理人显示出的冒险意识与年龄相符,企业家则表现得像20岁出头的人。

    Both entrepreneurs and managers in the study had an average age in the early 50s but while managers showed risk-taking appropriate to their age group , the entrepreneurs acted like people 30 years younger .

  11. 他笑得像个5岁的孩子那样天真烂漫。

    He smiled as artless as a child of 5 .

  12. 根据你的报告,他得等到他18岁。

    According to your report , he had to wait until he was18 .

  13. 京晶:一定得有个三四岁了吧。

    I must have been three or four .

  14. 但得假装是六岁生日哦,不然他一整周都会很不爽的。

    we have to pretend he 's six or he 'll be in a bad mood all week .

  15. 2005年,戴维森发现自己总是得跟在一岁大的儿子杰克后面,收拾他随处乱扔的儿童吸管杯。

    In 2005 , Davidson found herself constantly picking up sippy cups her one-year-old son Jake would toss to the ground .

  16. 它在那儿,只是我们通常得等孩子13岁后才能确定它是什么。

    It 's there , we just can 't usually determine what it is until after a person is13 years old .

  17. 那名审讯员来的则没这么频繁。审讯员有时会朝他大喊大叫,说他是骗子,让85岁的他不要再表现得像个三岁的孩子。

    The interrogator , who sometimes shouted at him , called him a liar and told him to stop acting like a 3-year-old , came less frequently .

  18. 尽管大肆炫富,但郭美美穿得和那些20岁左右,喜好新潮的年轻人并无两样&一双黑色高跟鞋,一条做旧的紧身裤。

    Despite her boasts of wealth , Guo dresses just like any other 20-year-old who takes a fancy to fashion , wearing black high-heels and tight , torn pants .

  19. 图丝有个舅妈把头剃光,以示感谢神,因为她的大女儿在老得很的二十八岁时终于嫁了出去。

    Tulsi has an aunt who just shaved her head as a gesture of thanks to God because her oldest daughter - at the Jurassic age of twenty-eight - finally got married .

  20. 在高中、大学时代好不容易熬着学完了代数学与统计学的课程后,乔利现在又得给自己九岁的儿子杰克辅导数学作业了。

    After struggling through algebra and statistics in high school and college , helping her 9-year-old son Jake with math homework makes her ' feel like saying , ' Aaarghh , this is hard !

  21. 护士和医生每天来四次,为来自加利福尼亚州的他测量体温和血压。那名审讯员来的则没这么频繁。审讯员有时会朝他大喊大叫,说他是骗子,让85岁的他不要再表现得像个三岁的孩子。

    A nurse and a doctor visited four times a day to take the temperature and blood pressure of the 85-year-old Californian . The interrogator , who sometimes shouted at him , called him a liar and told him to stop acting like a 3-year-old , came less frequently .