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  1. 采用点离子模型并在离子尺度修正中计入次近邻离子的贡献,计算了KCl晶体FA(Li)心的非微扰态,然后以微扰法计算了FA(Li)心的能级位置。

    Using the point ion model and taking into consideration the contribution of the second-nearest ions in the ion size correction , the unperturbed state of FA ( Li ) center in KCl crystal was obtained . Then energy level of FA center was calculated using perturbation method .

  2. 以典型实例介绍了套管断裂工程事故处理步骤:利用井下电视确定断管位置,制作导正器,然后下入次一级套管并用水泥封固。

    To use a typical case study introduced treatment procedure : to determine casing failure position through televiewer , make a centralizer , casing secondary casing then consolidating by cement .

  3. 结果与结论:通过关联度排序,(1)医院的规模、数量和门急诊入次及病床周转次数与入院人数的关联程度最高,是影响入院人数变化的主要因素;

    Results and Conclusion : ( 1 ) the factors including the scale , quantity , outpatients , emergent patients and the turnover rate of hospital beds were closely correlated with the number of inpatients , thus were main factors of effect on change of inpatients ;

  4. 对于使用CI的项目,我建议开发人员至少每天签入一次代码,但是我相信最好是每天签入多次。

    On a project that uses CI , I recommend developers commit their code at least once a day , but I believe it 's best to check in code many times a day .

  5. 请记住,即使您和您的团队正确地执行许多CI实践,如果团队成员不坚持至少每天签入一次源代码修改,那么CI的好处会大打折扣。

    Remember , even if you and your team are performing many CI practices correctly , if team members aren 't committing source changes at least daily , your team will receive minimal benefit from CI .

  6. 它认为每天只要至少签入一次代码即可。

    It assumes you are checking-in code at least once a day .

  7. 这180个韵字顾炎武共入韵597次。

    Gu had expressed these 180 character in rhyme for 597 times .

  8. 我记得在法学院入学会第一次见到你时的激动。

    I remember the thrill of first seeing you at law school orientation .

  9. 方法用内镜为32例甲状腺肿物的患者实施了经胸壁皮下入路甲状腺次全切除术。

    Method Thirty two patients with thyroid nodule underwent endoscopic thyroidectomy through chest-wall approach .

  10. 碎岩机理实验研究,一般进行静压入、单次冲击和切削试验。

    Mechanism of breaking rock is generally studied by experiments of static crush , shock and cutting .

  11. 方法自2002年2月~2006年3月,有43例局部晚期胃癌病人入组本次临床研究。

    Methods From February 2002 to March 2006,43 cases of locally advanced gastric cancer patients were treated with DEF regimen .

  12. 试验表明,切向喷入的二次风在悬浮段内造成强烈旋涡现象,形成颗粒悬浮层和内循环运动,并大大抑制了细颗粒扬析。

    The tests show that the secondary air injected tangentially creates strong vortexes , establishes particle suspension lay - ers and internal circulation , and suppresses elutriation of fine particles greatly .

  13. 特曼研究对象中的许多人在他们的成人阶段面临了许多艰难生活的挑战,包括参入第二次世界大战战争、离婚、工作压力和转换职业等。

    Many of the subjects of the Terman Project faced difficult challenges in their adult lives , including bitter combat in World War II , divorces , stressful jobs , and career reversals .

  14. 水土保持措施下的土壤入渗研究及次暴雨地表产流计算方法

    Study on Infiltration of Soil in Action of Soil and Water Conservation Measures and Surface Runoff Yield in One Storm

  15. 有些经济学家认为他们真是疯了,但也有人对此心存感谢,认为美国人疯狂购物可以使美国经济不再滑入到第二次萧条中。

    Some economists think they are crazy ; others are thankful that they are keeping the US economy from slippingsintosa second recession .

  16. 第三种入路是单侧次全上颌骨切开,一半上颌骨和硬腭悬于软腭向下翻转置入口底;

    In the third approach , the unilateral lower subtotal maxillotomy , half of the maxilla , and the hard palate are hinged on the soft palate and folded downward into the floor of the mouth .

  17. 胸椎同一平面胸椎黄韧带骨化症合并胸椎间盘突出或后纵韧带骨化时,采用后正中入路+侧后方入路的次环状减压治疗,共8例。

    If coplanar OLF in thoracic spine combined with protrusion of thoracic spine disc or ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament , decompression of posterior midline approach + posterior lateral approach was performed , totally 8 cases .