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  1. 然后,他和祖克曼先生懒洋洋地倚在栅栏旁。祖克曼先生用一根柴枝搔着威伯的后背。

    Then he and Mr. Zuckerman leaned lazily on the fence and Mr. Zuckerman scratched Wilbur 's back with a stick .

  2. 顾客立刻买下了一整盒,然后走出去并倚在灯柱旁。

    The customer immediately consumed the entire box in the store and then walked outside and leaned against a lamppost .

  3. 她倚在屋旁,想到她所见到的这一切,真是恶心难忍。

    She leaned against the house , trying not to be sick as she thought of what she had seen .

  4. 我乘的那趟车,永远没有座位,我永远喜欢堵在出口处,倚在玻璃旁,看窗外的风景。

    The train I take never has seat for me and I for ever like being at the exit , leaning against the glass and seeing the views outside .

  5. 当我回来的时候,发现床已铺好,企鹅倚坐在枕头旁。

    When I returned , I found the bed turned down and the penguin propped up on the pillow .