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  1. 锰掺入对CeO2催化氧化CO性能的影响

    Effect of Doping Ceria with Manganese on Catalytic Activity for CO Oxidation

  2. 钇铁石榴石薄膜材料的光吸收谱及Bi、Al掺入对谱的影响研究

    Effects of Bi and Al Substitution on Optical Absorption Spectrum of Yttrium Iron Garnet Film

  3. Raman结果表明Mn的掺入对薄膜的晶格振动产生了一定的影响,Zn0.9Mn0.1O合金薄膜与衬底之间的应力要比未掺杂的ZnO薄膜的大。

    Raman results show that Mn doping influences the crystal lattice vibration of ZnO , and prompts the increasing of stress between film and substrate .

  4. 利用XRD、RAMAN技术研究了Gd2O3的掺入对BT陶瓷结构的影响。

    XRD , Raman scattering techniques were used to study the effect of doped Gd 2O 3 on the structure of BT.

  5. 本研究通过抑制小鼠半克隆胚胎在激活过程中染色体数目减半,避免非整倍体胚胎形成,研究四倍体半克隆(TetraploidSemi-cloned,TSC)胚胎的发育和体细胞核的掺入对胚胎发育的影响。

    In this study , tetraploid semi-cloning ( TSC ) embryos were created in order to avoid the segregation errors and increase the development of TSC embryos .

  6. 通过将VHb基因克隆入对PTA具有降解功能的受体菌中,可使其在较低的溶解氧环境中,仍具有较高的降解率。对VHb在污水处理系统中的应用作了初步的探索。

    The gene of VHb was cloned in 6-81 cell ; it has higher rate of PTA degradation in the lower deliquescence oxygen environment .

  7. 电气石掺入对Nd/TiO2材料的光吸收范围基本没有影响,在300~750℃范围煅烧后,随温度升高UV-VIS图谱有逐渐红移现象;

    With the doping of tourmaline , the UV-VIS adsorption spectrum of Nd / TiO_2 was basically not affected , and showed a gradual Einstein shift with the increase of calcined temperature between 300 - ( 750 ℃);

  8. 没入对斯科特有任何操纵。

    No one manipulated Scott in any way .

  9. 由于贝嫂一直忙于巡回演唱会,因此小贝夫妇今年很少出双入对。

    With Victoria on tour , the couple have rarely been spotted together this year .

  10. 我们也时不时地出双入对。

    We 'd hang out sometimes .

  11. 少量交叉纤维入对侧锥体束后入脑桥尾侧网状核。

    A few fibers crossed into the contralateral pyramidal tract were traced into RPC on that side .

  12. 硅灰及聚合物的掺入对钢纤维与水泥基材界面层的影响

    Effect of addition of silica fume and polymer on the interfacial layer between steel fiber and cement matrix

  13. 分析了纤维的掺入对钢筋混凝土粱的抗裂性能及正截面承载力的影响机理。

    The influence mechanism of the mixed fibre on crack resistance and bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beam are analyzed .

  14. 杰克和露丝在初级中学出双入对,他们的双亲说这是情窦初开的恋情。

    When Jack and Lucy began going around together in junior high school , their parents said it was just calf love .

  15. 白羊也多是热爱冒险的交际人士,所以这对恋人总是在派对上出双入对,从不厌倦。

    An Aries is also an adventure-loving social butterfly , so these two will flit around parties together and never get bored .

  16. 年轻人最重要的是「三对」:入对产业、选对公司、跟对主管。

    Three rights for youngsters : enter the right industry , select the right company , and work under the right boss .

  17. 去年10月,默多克和霍尔首次在公开场合出双入对。当时两人在伦敦观看一场橄榄球世界杯决赛,澳大利亚对阵新西兰。

    Mr Murdoch and Miss Hall were first spotted together in public in October at the Rugby World Cup final in London between Australia and New Zealand .

  18. 实验结果表明,气体的充入对纤维筛分有明显的影响,随着充气量的增加筛分效果将得到改善。

    Results of the experiment show that the air injection has a distinct effect on fiber fractionation , and a good fractionation performance is obtained with increasing the air injection .

  19. 目前每天要花十五个小时在片场拍摄的他之前曾被目击到与“大嘴美女”卡梅隆-迪亚兹出双入对,但对于约会一事,马修表示“还有段时间”。

    Though he 's been spotted out and about with Hollywood starlets like Cameron Diaz , Matthew said it 's " been a while " as far as dating is concerned .

  20. 在之后的几个月中,两人经常出双入对,但始终没有公开恋人关系。此后,他们又对今年夏天的订婚传闻表示了否认。

    They were spotted together in various places over the ensuing months but said little about their liaison . Still , by this summer , they were denying whispers of an engagement .

  21. 针对钢纤维、聚丙烯纤维增强聚合物水泥砂浆冲击试验的不同结果,以冲击延性、能耗机理等讨论了钢纤维、聚丙烯纤维的掺入对聚合物水泥砂浆抗冲击、耐磨损性能的影响。

    For the distinct impact test result , adopt energy consumption mechanisms , impact toughness discuss the addition of steel fiber and polypropylene fiber on the wear and impact property of latex mortar .

  22. 现在和布兰德皮特出双入对的安尼斯顿曾经有很多恋人,他们包括《急诊室》里的诺亚怀尔、乔纳森西尔弗曼、马修。佩里、《真实的谎言》中的格兰特赫斯洛夫。

    Now engaged to marry Sandra bullock 's ex-fiance Tate donovan , Aniston counts among her former loves er 's Noah wyle , actor Jonathan silverman , co-star Matthew Perry and grant heslov , from true lies .

  23. 通过对普通水泥混凝土、聚丙烯纤维网混凝土进行试验,分析聚丙烯纤维网的掺入对水泥混凝土的力学性能以及抗塑性开裂性能的影响,提出了聚丙烯纤维网的诸多优点。

    Based upon the test of common concrete and polypropylene fiber-net concrete , the influence of polypropylene fiber-net to the mechanics performance and plasticity-proof dehisce of concrete is analyzed , and a good many of its advantages are also proposed .

  24. 试验结果表明,有机物料直接施入对水田土壤生物量态碳有显著的提高作用,对水田土壤中酶活性的影响因土壤酶、有机物料及水稻的生育时期的不同而不同。

    The test results showed that soil biomass carbon was increased significantly by applying organic matters , the effects to soil enzymes were different in accordance with different enzyme species , paddy soils , organic matters and stages of rice growth .

  25. 虽然总拿《暮色2:新月》的宣传作为出双入对的理由,但是宣传结束之后,斯图尔特和帕丁森被撞见在纽约街头勾肩搭背,耳鬓厮磨。

    Forget the old excuse they were only together for the movie - promotion of the Twilight sequel New Moon was already done , and still Stewart and Pattinson were spotted in New York joined at the hip , then the lips .

  26. 那次合作之后,他们很快发展成朋友,又由朋友转成恋人。尽管他们都对这段恋情讳莫如深,但媒体总是拍到他们出双入对,幸福之情溢于言表。

    Their professional collaboration soon grew into friendship and then love and the two were often seen , very happily , together although they have always tried to keep much of the detail of their relationship as private as they possibly can .

  27. 早在同性婚姻在全世界广泛受到认可之前(尽管在意大利尚未得到承认),两人便公然以恋人身份同居,身穿紧身白T恤衫,毫无愧色地在“声音工厂”之类男同性恋俱乐部出双入对。

    Well before same-sex marriage became widely recognized around the world ( though not in Italy ) , the two were openly living together as lovers , unapologetic as they showed up in their tight white T-shirts at gay clubs like the Sound Factory .

  28. 基于CXCR2受体拮抗剂阻断T淋巴细胞入脑对AD病变的影响及机制研究

    The Blockage of T Lymphocytes Migration into the Brain in Alzheimer 's Disease by CXCR_2 Receptor Antagonists

  29. 堆肥施入时期对日光温室内CO2浓度及番茄生育的影响

    Effects of Compost Application at the Beginning on the Concentration of CO_2 in Greenhouse and Development of Tomato

  30. 入世对PVC糊树脂行业的影响及对策

    Impact from WTO entry on China 's PVC paste resin industry and countermeasures to it