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zé chéng
  • instruct;charge;enjoin;instruct (sb.to fulfil a task)
责成 [zé chéng]
  • [instruct (sb.to fulfil a task)] 指定某人或某机构办成某件事

  • 责成小组委员会提出报告

责成[zé chéng]
  1. 他责成餐馆更换厨房设备。

    He instruct the restaurant to replace its kitchen equipment .

  2. 我还责成你在我到来之前要耐心而完美。

    And I charge you that you be patient and perfect till I come .

  3. 即使责成人们使用SI体系,而象克、厘米、毫米等这样的单位也没什么。

    Even if one is committed to the SI system , there is no objection to such units as grams , centimeters , millimeters , etc.

  4. 应当责成亚洲每一个与建筑法规有关的官员,都去看一看澳大利亚墨尔本小柯林斯街(LittleCollinsStreet)上一座其貌不扬的10层建筑。

    Every senior bureaucrat in Asia concerned with building codes should be obliged to inspect a modest-looking , 10-storey building in Little Collins Street in the Australian city of Melbourne .

  5. 2007年,有专家小组呼吁美国政府应责成美国空军或美国国家宇航局重启UFO调查行动。

    In 2007 , a panel of experts called on the US government to resume UFO investigations through the US Air Force or NASA .

  6. 博克责成团队中的研究员布莱恩·威勒(BrianWelle)开展了一个针对隐蔽性偏见的项目。

    Mr. Bock asked one of these researchers , Brian Welle , to begin a project on hidden biases .

  7. 劳动定额作为劳动管理的一个重要责成部分。

    Labor quota as labor management an important obligate part .

  8. 调查人员责成工地的安全措施应当改进。

    Investigators urged that safety procedures at the site should be improved .

  9. 由于采取竞选制度,我们可以改弦易辙,责成领导人忠于职守。

    Competitive elections allow us to change course and hold our leaders accountable .

  10. 潘基文责成联合国人道主义事务负责人霍尔姆斯担任这个工作小组的组长。

    He has asked U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes to head the effort .

  11. 海军中校责成他们负责该艘舰船的安全。

    The commander enjoined on them the responsibility for the safety of the ship .

  12. 总经理责成某个委员会去评价全部职员的潜力。

    Top management assembles a special committee to assess the promotability of all the employees .

  13. 他们已经责成所有政党的政治家重新估计小型企业的作用。

    They have obliged politicians of all parties to reappraise the role of small businesses .

  14. 他被责成做某事,即被命令做某事。

    He was ordered to do sth.

  15. 男子在他的日常生活责成保持纯洁的身体和灵魂一样。

    Man in his daily life is enjoined to preserve purity of body and soul alike .

  16. 玩忽职守,丧失原则,不宜担任会计工作的,主管单位应当责成所在单位予以撤职或者免职。

    Chief accountants or responsible persons of accounting departments must not be appointed or removed willfully .

  17. 公约载有一些责成各国将被盗资产返还其合法所有人的创新措施。

    The Convention contains innovative measures that oblige countries to return stolen assets to their rightful owners .

  18. 吉林已责成市交管局处理此事。

    Ji Lin has already instructed the Municipal Traffic Management Bureau to deal with the matter . '

  19. 法庭责成这个小偷每周向警方汇报一次。

    The court laid the thief under an obligation to report to the police once a week .

  20. 是啊,他责成我负责这个企划,要求七月前完成。

    Yes , he assigned the execution of the plan to me and demanded it done before July .

  21. 责成地委、县委用大力去搞,一定要搞好。

    The prefectural and county Party committees should be urged to make vigorous efforts and do a good job .

  22. 这似乎同联合国责成其保护平民的要求不尽相同。

    This would fall outside their UN mandate to protect civilians , which in any case ends on September27th .

  23. 建设单位应责成施工单位在施工现场张布施工通告和投诉电话。

    The employer shall urge the construction company to issue construction notice and claim phone number on the construction site .

  24. 如果这两个空间现在还没有得到填补的话,管理人员们就该亲自采取一些措施,或是责成小组成员去完成这个任务。

    If they 're not , managers can take steps to either fill the roles themselves or assign team members who can .

  25. 我在此责成上述宣告获得自由之人员,除必须之自卫,应避免使用任何暴力。

    And I hereby enjoIn upon the people so declared to be free to abstaIn from all vIolence , unless In necessary self-defense .

  26. 禁令规定,公职人员不得食用昂贵的山珍海味,并责成政府审计人员确保禁令得到执行。

    The legislation ordered public servants to refrain from eating expensive delicacies and instructed state auditors to ensure that the ban is upheld .

  27. 我责成老妖婆让患者安心,凡是用钱买得到的东西,要让她一项不缺。

    I charged the hag to keep her patient 's mind easy , and let her want for nothing that money could purchase .

  28. 同时,国务院责成信息产业部负责解决计算机2000年问题的组织协调、宣传指导和督促检查工作。

    Meanwhile , the State Council has made the Ministry of Information Industry responsible for coordinating , directing , and supervising the efforts .

  29. 责成会员国通过法律和教育以及社区努力加速消灭女性生殖器切割习俗的行动;

    Committed Member States to accelerating action towards the elimination of the practice of female genital mutilation through laws and educational and community efforts .

  30. 韦伯已经证明会在销售抵制中遭受特别损害,他有起诉权提出诉讼责成禁止公害。

    Webb , having shown a special injury in the loss of sales , was found to have standing to bring suit to enjoin the nuisance .