
  • 网络infiltration capacity
  1. PAM对土壤入渗量和抗侵蚀能力的影响用力擦上光剂,使之渗入。

    Influence of PAM for soil infiltration capacity and anti-erosion ability Rub the polish well in .

  2. 而累积入渗量和入渗深度均随土壤初始含水量的增高而递减;

    The soil infiltration capacity decreases with increasing of initial moisture content of soil profile .

  3. 根据5℃、17℃、40℃的湿润锋运移距离和累积入渗量与时间的幂函数关系,以相等的时间间隔收集训练样本,建立土壤水分运动的BP网络模型;

    A BP network model was established according to the power function relationships between wetting front distance / cumulative infiltration depth and temperature .

  4. 实验结果发现,灌溉水质和土壤电解浓度(EC)对土壤结构、土壤表层胶结以及入渗量都有很大的影响。

    It was found that the irrigation water quality and soil electrolyte concentration influence significantly the soil structure , surface layer density and infiltration .

  5. 在此基础上,采用GM(1,1)灰色动态模型预测西川河流域降雨入渗量随水土流失治理度的变化趋势。

    A gray dynamic model is put forward to the infiltration quantity tendency in the Xichuan catchment was predicted by a gray dynamic model , GM ( 1,1 ) .

  6. 结果表明,由于PAM具有良好的吸水和保水性能,其用量的增加使累积入渗量增大,平均土壤含水量增加;

    The results showed that owing to the good ability to absorb water and keep it of PAM , the cumulative infiltration and average water content increased with the increasing of PAM dosage .

  7. 本文基于水平一维非饱和土壤水分运动规律,推求了GardnerRusso持水曲线模型参数,获得了水平一维非饱和土壤水分运动中累积入渗量、入渗率、湿润峰、入渗时间之间的理论关系。

    The parameters of Gardner_Russo model for describing the soil retention curves are obtained based on the movement rules of horizontal one_dimensional soil water infiltration .

  8. 水入渗量对85Sr迁移速度和横向扩散无明显影响。

    Infiltration does not influence 85 Sr migration rate and transverse diffusion significantly ;

  9. 研究结果表明:降雨的土壤入渗量受坡长、土地利用方式等因素影响,长坡能够接收较多雨量,试验年份(旱年)坡长每增加20m,草地约增加入渗0.77mm,灌木地增加0.92mm。

    The results showed that soil could get more rainfall with slope length increasing from top to bottom . With a 20 m increase of slope length , the increase of incepted rainfall is 0.77 mm in grassland or 0.92 mm in shrub land .

  10. 河流入渗量灰色回归预测模型

    Research on Grey regression Forecast Model of Seepage Volume of River

  11. 基于土地利用变化的吉林西部降水入渗量变化研究

    Infiltration Variation Analysis Based on LUCC in the Western of Jilin Province

  12. 基于自由搜索人工神经网络的坡地入渗量预测

    Prediction of slope infiltration based on artificial neural networks by free search

  13. 降水的垂直入渗量甚小,最多约为降水量的1%;

    The maximum infiltration amount of water was about 1 % of precipitation .

  14. 随着叶面积指数与郁闭度的增加林冠量不断增加,土壤入渗量不断减少,在径流不断减少。

    With increasing of LAI and canopy density , the soil infiltration and runoff decreased .

  15. 并建立考虑温度影响的湿润锋运移模型和累积入渗量模型,经实测资料进行验证,结果良好。

    Results showed that with temperature raising , wetting front distance and cumulative infiltration volume increased .

  16. 秸秆覆盖可有效地降低累积径流量和总侵蚀量,增加累积入渗量;

    Straw covering could decreased cumulated runoff and sediment and increased infiltration in the same time .

  17. 降雨强度和初始含水量是影响入渗量的主要因素。

    Rainfall intensity and initial water content are important infiltration factor which influence rainfall infiltration content .

  18. 砂石粒径和覆盖厚度对湿润锋的影响效果与累积入渗量基本一致。

    The effect of gravel thickness and grain size on wetting front is consistent with cumulative infiltration .

  19. 累积入渗量、湿润峰推进距离随入渗时间的增加而增大。

    Cumulative infiltration amount , wetting front advance distance increased with the prolongation of the infiltration time .

  20. 进入洞室中的渗漏率随着引入系统中入渗量的增加而增大。

    The seepage rate into the underground openings increases with an increase in percolation flux introduced into the system .

  21. 对下垫面状况的改变对地表径流量、陆面蒸发量、降水入渗量、包气带土壤水蓄变量的影响进行了分析。

    Influence of underlying surface variation on surface runoff , land evaporation , rainfall infitration and storage variation of unsaturated soil water were analysed .

  22. 积水深度越大,土壤剖面含水率、入渗量变化越明显,湿润锋的推移也越快;

    The larger volume the accumulation water is , the more evident changes of water infiltration amount and soil moisture content at the section are ;

  23. 脱盐区土壤平均含盐量随累积入渗量的增加而减少,随入渗水矿化度和土壤初始含水量的增加而增加。

    The average soil salt content of desalt region cut down as the cumulative infiltration volume rose and went up with the water concentration and initial water content .

  24. 并将净入渗量作为条件边界,选取典型参数建立腾发封顶的非饱和渗流模型,分析得到封顶内的水分运移规律,并对其性能进行评价。

    The calculated net infiltration is input into an unsaturated flow model as a boundary condition to simulate the moisture transport and evaluate the performance of an evapotranspiration ( ET ) cover .

  25. 根据数值模型计算的结果,全区地下水多年平均补给资源量为6795.82×104m3/a,大气降水入渗量占总补给量的78%;

    According to the calculating result of digital model , the quantity of groundwater supplies is 6795.82 × 104m3 / a , the quantity of atmosphere precipitation soak declines have 78 % of the total replenishment quantity ;

  26. 本文利用回归分析和通径分析等方法,研究了自然降雨条件下遂宁组母质侵蚀小区的径流量、入渗量、侵蚀量及其影响因子。

    Applying the methods of regression and path analysis and so on , the author stu-died the amount of runoff , infiltration , erosion and their influencing factors in ero-sion plot of J_2s parent material under rainfall .

  27. 采用入渗量和供水量对比的方法,计算出上述试验的测量误差为6.1%,说明该方法具有较高精度。

    ( Compared ) the cumulative infiltrated water with the total supplied water , the relative estimation error is 6.1 % , The accuracy of the method is higher . The dynamics of the infiltration curve conceptually present the infiltrability of a soil .

  28. PAM对一维垂直入渗特征量影响的试验研究

    The Experimental Study on the Influences of PAM on One-dimensional Vertical Infiltration

  29. 以中国科学院栾城农业生态试验站的地下水位观测资料以及气象资料为基础,综合运用降水、蒸发、土壤水、地下水动态观测资料,利用EARTH模型计算了河北平原地下水垂向入渗补给量。

    Observed data of rainfall , evaporation , soil moisture and groundwater are applied synthetically in the transient lumped parameter model ( EARTH ) to calculate vertical recharge of groundwater in Luancheng , Hebei Plain .

  30. 采用D、18O同位素峰值位移法求出研究区大气降水入渗补给量。

    The D , 18O isotopes peak displacement method is used to estimate the precipitation infiltration quantity in the study area .