
  • 网络bare soil;bare land
  1. 本次研究使用纯净像元指数法从MODIS影像中提取了三种端元组分,植被、裸土、阴影。

    In the paper , vegetation , bare soil and shadow were extracted from MODIS images by using pure pixel index .

  2. 在裸土中,土壤N2O排放率的峰值出现在试验后期,土壤N2O排放率与温度呈极显著指数相关。

    Contrarily , in bare soil , the peak of N_2O emission rate occurred at the anaphase of the experiment , and there was a significant exponential correlation between N_2O emission and air temperature .

  3. 土壤施氮量增加,土壤N2O排放总量增加,裸土N2O增加尤其显著,种植玉米比裸土减少87%~92%的N2O排放量。

    The total amount of N_2O emission increased remarkably with increasing N application rate in both planted and bare soils .

  4. 由于MODIS图像分辨率较低,MODIS像元主要由水面、植被和裸土3种地物类型构成,故可依据这3种地物的构成比例确定地表比辐射率。

    As MODIS image has the lower resolution and vegetation , soil and water are the main three ingredients for MODIS image , we can estimate the land surface emissivity according to the ratio of three ingredients .

  5. 分析结果表明,不同覆膜开孔率控制下的累积蒸发量与时间平方根之间均符合Gardner提出的裸土蒸发理论关系。

    The results showed that under the influence of evaporation , the cumulative evaporation varied linearly with the square of the evaporation time , which corresponded to the bare soil evaporation theory presented by Gardner .

  6. 污染物削减室内模拟试验分析表明,绿地对COD、NH4-N、TN、TP等污染物均有削减作用,削减量明显高于裸土。

    The pollution reduction simulation experiments in this paper show that , the pollutants such as COD , NH_4-N , TN and TP can be clearly reduced by green space . Pollution reduction effect of green space is better than that of uncovered soil .

  7. 首先,利用后向散射系数和土壤含水量、粗糙度的简化公式发展了用于多极化ASAR数据的裸土含水量反演模型。

    First of all , using the simplified formula of backscattering coefficient with soil water content and roughness developed a inversion model of bare soil moisture used for Multi-polarization ASAR data .

  8. 采用Landsat、中巴资源卫星两种遥感影像数据,每个像元均可视为由高反照度地物、低反照度地物、植被和裸土组成,运用线性光谱混合模型提取不透水面信息。

    Using Landsat and CBERS images as two data sources , each pixel was dealt as a mixture of vegetation , high-and low-albedo and bare soil , impervious surface was extracted with linear spectral mixture model , landuse information was determined with supervised classification method .

  9. 本文通过用张力计实时监测裸土及地膜覆盖条件下土壤水分的变化状况,分析了0~50cm深度范围内的土壤吸力的变化过程。

    The variety of soil moisture was monitored in the evaporation condition with bare soil and stalk mulching by using tensionmeter . The soil suction change during evaporation process in the depth of 0-50 cm was analyzed in the bare soil and stalk mulching .

  10. 裸土:平坦的土地,没有种植过。施肥和植相互作用。

    Bare earth : Flat dirt , nothing planted . Fertilize and Plant interactions available .

  11. 裸土表层含水量高光谱遥感的最佳波段选择

    The Choice of Best Detecting Band for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing on Surface Water Content of Bare Soil

  12. 此外,研究区内分布广阔的裸土面积在近二十年的时间里变化幅度不大。

    Moreover , in the past twenty years the coverage of bare soil area has little change in the study area .

  13. 塑料薄膜覆盖使裸土免受降雨引起的表土结壳、压实和侵蚀。

    Bare soil is protected from the impact of rainfall which can cause surface soil crusting , compaction , and erosion .

  14. 裸土和草地的净长波辐射最大值出现在夏季,而森林和农田则出现在冬季。

    The maximum of net long-wave radiation over bare and grass appeared in summer , but in winter over tree and crop .

  15. 在相同环境条件下,对裸土和有作物覆盖的土壤床中的热、湿迁移也进行了模拟比较。

    Under same environmental condition , the comparisons of temperature and moisture distribution in soil between vegetation soil-bed and bare soil-bed were also conducted .

  16. 从反演精度考虑,在裸土或植被稀疏的地区应该采用热惯量法来进行反演。

    From the inversion accuracy considerations , bare soil or sparse vegetation in areas of thermal inertia method should be used to carry out inversion .

  17. 绿地的土壤含水率明显高于裸土的土壤含水率,受绿地植被配置和高程设置影响较为显著。

    The soil water content of green space is much higher than that of uncovered soil , and the main influencing factors are vegetation arrangement and elevation arrangement .

  18. 而对于西北内陆腹地黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,城市周边多为山地丘陵,裸土覆被区域广布。

    But around the city is mostly mountainous and hilly , bare soil is found widely in the hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau in northwest China .

  19. 无覆盖(裸土)小区和100%稻秆编织物覆盖小区,雨季后与雨季前相比土壤容重有降低趋势,分别减少5.50%、9.28%。

    Soil bulk density in non-coverage plots ( bare soil ) and 100 % rice straw mat mulch plot have decreased by 5.50 % and 9.28 % respectively after rainy season .

  20. 土地利用/覆被分类法和植被指数法不能同时对植被、裸土和裸岩覆被进行定量评价。

    General approach such as " Land-use / land-cover classification " or " vegetation index " cannot estimate quantitatively the vegetation , bare soil and naked rock at the same time .

  21. 利用大型可变坡土槽和室内人工降雨,模拟没有任何作物的裸土坡地在不同雨强下非点源硝酸盐氮产污过程。

    By means of artificial precipitation in laboratory , the process of nonpoint nitrate pollution in uncovered slopes was simulated under different rainfall intensities by use of a large soil tank with changeable slope .

  22. 而以热红外遥感和微波遥感为基础的系统则是大面积的区域土壤水分状况信息(裸土表层)和区域作物水分状况信息的主要采集方法。

    Satellite Infrared Remote Sensing and Micro-wave Remote Sensing are main methods for monitoring regional soil water information ( for bare or low-cover soil ) and regional crop water information ( for medium and high cover soil ) .

  23. 潜热通量的大小排序依次为森林、农田、草地和裸土,而月波动幅度最大的是农田。

    The rank of the latent heat flux ( from high to low ) was tree , crop , grass and bare ground , and the largest monthly fluctuation amplitude of the latent heat flux was over crop .

  24. 热季各种表面温度由高到低排列顺序为:干土、水泥路面、砖墙、花岗石、裸土、空气温度、植物表面、湿土、水面;

    In the summer , surface temperatures rank from high to low as follows : dry ground > cement road surface > brick wall > stone > naked soil > air > plant surface > humid soil > water .

  25. 哈尔滨城市扩展区域的疏松地表裸土、河床及漫滩细粒冲积物以及市内地表建筑沙土等都可以是哈尔滨市沙尘沉降物的主要物源。

    Nude loose soils , river beds and floodplain fine alluvium , sand-dust of city construction sites and so on in the urban expansion areas of Harbin may all be main material sources of sand and dust fall-outs of Harbin .

  26. 重度入侵生境中铵态氮含量最高达53.00mg/kg,分别为裸土土壤、混生本地植物土和单一本地植物土壤的14.1、9.9和5.9倍。

    The highest amount of NH4 + - N in heavily invaded soil reached 53.00mg / kg , which was almost 14.1 , 9.9 and 5.9 times each as high as bare soil , multi-native-plants soil and single-native-plant soil , respectively .

  27. 结果表明:(1)从1986年到2000年,绿洲不断扩张,各绿洲斑块类型面积呈增加趋势,同时强烈的人类活动也造成了沙地和裸土面积的增加;

    We found that : ( 1 ) the oasis expansion was embodied with an increase in the area of each oasis patch type between 1986 and 2000 , while intensive human activities led to an increase in the sandy and barren lands ;

  28. 低温出现在冰川和积雪的表面,其次是水体区域表面,较高温度出现在裸土、沙漠等风沙地貌的区域表面,符合常规地表温度分布规律。

    Low temperature is corresponding with the surface of glacier and snow cover first , and then the surface of water ; higher temperature occurs at the surface of wind-sand landform , such as bare soil and desert , which is consistent with LST distribution law .