
  • 网络The Naked Eye;open hole;glasses-free
  1. MagicLeap的官方网站上,有几个视频和图片,内容是人们可用裸眼看到的丰富动画:教室里,海马漂浮在孩子们的头上;

    On its website , the company has a few videos and images that depict rich animations displayed over what people see with the naked eye . Seahorses float above children in a schoolroom .

  2. 请勿使用此双目镜/双筒望远镜或裸眼直视太阳。

    Do not view the sun with this binocular or even with naked eye .

  3. LED显示屏的裸眼立体影像研究

    Study of naked-eye stereoscopic image based on LED

  4. 为裸眼立体大屏幕LED显示屏的发展进行了系统性的基础研究。

    It was a systemically basic research for the development of naked-eye stereoscopic display of big LED screen .

  5. 本文从人类立体视觉的原理出发,重点讨论在计算机中如何从3D模型获取用于裸眼立体显示视差图像的问题。

    The problem of how to extract parallax images from computer3D models used in stereoscopic display is discussed in this paper .

  6. 目前为止,仅有任天堂3DS游戏机实现了裸眼3D技术。

    Until this point , glasses-free 3D has only been available on Nintendo 3DS .

  7. 结果术后6个月裸眼视力≥0.5和≥0.8者,A组分别为100%、94.73%;B组为90.47%、63.15%。

    Results The acuity visual ≥ 0.5 and ≥ 0.8 at 6th month after operation in group A and group B were 100 % , 94.73 % and 90.47 % , 63.15 % respectively .

  8. 方法对270例(525只眼)近视青少年验配OK镜,对其裸眼视力和屈光度改变进行4a的临床观察。

    Methods A four-year clinical observation was carried on 270 myopia adolescents ( 525 eyes ) whose eyesight were corrected by OK .

  9. 该文概要介绍了MDT裸眼测试技术及在大港油田的初步应用情况。

    The paper briefly introduced the initial application of MDT borehole testing technology in Dagang Oilfield .

  10. 平均裸眼近视力PRK组为066,LASIK组为085。

    Mean uncorrected visual acuity of reading distance was 0 66 with PRK and 0 85 with LASIK .

  11. 术后1a时,观察患者的裸眼远视力、裸眼近视力、屈光状态以及患者的主观感受。

    The uncorrected distance visual acuity , uncorrected near visual acuity , refractive condition and subjective feeling were observed 1a after surgery .

  12. 电缆式重复地层测试器(RFT)主要用于裸眼井测量储层压力及地层流体取样。

    Wireline repeat formation tester ( RFT ) is mainly used for reservoir pressure measuring and reservoir fluids sampling .

  13. 结果术后视力:术后1d、1周、1个月裸眼或矫正视力≥05者,分别为845%、947%、98%。

    Results Postoperatively , 84.5 % of patients achieved a vision of 0.5 or better at 1 day , 94.7 % at 1 week and 98 % at 1 month .

  14. 术后三个月复查裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、视野、ERG、眼底彩照及FFA。

    Three months after the treatment , naked eyesight , the best corrective eyesight , visual field , ERG , FFA and color photo of fundus were examined .

  15. 完钻测井后裸眼测试3个井段,其中1个井段获油流,水力压裂改造目标为日产原油10t。

    After Drilling , 3 layers were tested , one of them got industry production . the aim producing rate of hydraulic fracturing is 10t / d.

  16. 结论:在低、中度近视中,LASIK术后的偏心程度较PRK的稍重,引起裸眼视力偏低。

    Conclusion : When myopia degree is lower than - 6.00D , the eccentricity on corneal topography after LASIK is more serious than after PRK , and naked vision is also lower .

  17. 地层压力、温度、流体性质等储层信息是评价油气储层的重要参数,模块式地层测试器(MDT)能在钻井裸眼条件下的不同深度段测出这些信息。

    Formation pressure , temperature and fluid property are important parameters in formation evaluation . MDT formation tester can collect such kinds of information at different depth intervals in an open hole .

  18. 目的:比较LASIK手术前后角膜厚度的变化,以及术前最好矫正视力与术后裸眼视力的比较,分析角膜组织的额外损失量及其对术后裸眼视力的影响。

    Objective : To observe the changes in human corneal thickness before and after laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ), and discuss the effect of extra loss of corneal thickness on eye visual acuity .

  19. 目的针对术前存在逆规散光的患者,研究不同位置的白内障超声乳化手术切口所引起的手术散光(SIA)以及其对术后角膜散光和裸眼视力的影响。

    Objective To evaluate surgically induced astigmatism ( SIA ), postoperative astigmatism and uncorrected visual acuity ( UCVA ) after phacoemulsification with different incisions in cases of preoperative against-the-rule astigmatism .

  20. 对比分析表明,在裸眼井MDT测试的一般情况下,流入取样器的流体是泥浆滤液,应用泥浆滤液粘度转换法可以确定储层在真实条件下的渗透率;

    When the MDT is conducted in a barefoot well , the mud filtrate viscosity method can be applied to calculate the true permeability of reservoir , because the sampling device is generally filled with mud filtrate .

  21. 术后1d和1月81.6%和92.0%的术眼裸眼或球镜矫正视力达到或超过0.5。

    The proportions of uncorrected visual acuity or with spherical correction of 0.5 or better were 81.6 % and 92 % respectively at one day and a month after the operation . The complication , vision was equivalent to peribulbar and postocular anesthesia .

  22. 配戴角膜接触镜后的检测结果除了PPMT各参数均低于裸眼检测结果,有统计学意义(p<0.05)。

    Contact lens wearing brought these parameters results , except PPMT , lower than that obtained from naked eyes ( p < 0.05 ) .

  23. 术后平均裸眼视力1.08±0.23,平均等值球镜-0.35±0.41D。

    The average uncorrected visual acuity was 1.08 ± 0.23 and the mean spherical equivalent was - 0.35 ± 0.41D .

  24. 应用矿渣MTC固井技术解决了低压易漏失井、高压气井、调整井、长裸眼长封固段及复杂压力体系固井等固井技术难题,固井质量明显优于常规水泥浆固井。

    Cementing with the MTC can resolve cementing challenges in low formation pressure wells , high pressure gas wells , adjustment wells , long open hole wells and wells with complex formation pressures , cementing qualities are remarkable better than normal operations .

  25. 大于6个月随访,裸眼视力较术前平均提高4行,最佳矫正视力提高7行,平均散光43D。

    The average uncorrected vision was elevated 4 lines and the best corrected vision was elevated 7 lines postoperatively , the average astigmatism was 4 3 D.

  26. 现场2口井的(?)177.8mm尾管固井应用表明:该低密度水泥浆体系适合塔里木油田深井的窄环空间隙、长裸眼段固井。

    Cementing for the 177 . 8 mm liner in 2 wells shows that this system is suitable for the small annular and long section isolation in Tarim .

  27. LJP组合式电改袋技术成功实施一例低压易漏裸眼井段技术套管固井技术

    A successful example of transforming electric precipitator into bag filter by LJP sectional electric-to-bag-dust-collection technology Application of Intermediate Casing Well Cementing Technology for Open Hole Interval in Low Pressure and Lost Circulation Formation

  28. 位于新疆塔里木东河塘油田的DH4-8井是目前国内裸眼侧钻点最深、裸眼井段最长的定向开发井。

    The DH4-8 well , located at Donghetang Oilfield in Tarim Basin , Xinjiang , is a directional production well with the deepest open hole sidetrack point and the longest open hole section .

  29. 2例行玻璃体手术患者屈光状态在-0.75D~-1.5D,裸眼视力0.4~0.6,矫正视力0.5~0.7。结论准分子激光近视矫正术后的视网膜脱离选择玻璃体手术复位较适宜。

    Visual acuity of the naked eyes were 0.4 ~ 0.6 and the best correct vision were 0.5 ~ 0.7 . Conclusion we recommend the vitrectomy surgery is the better option for retinal detachment of postoperative Lasik .

  30. 裸眼超常视力(BSCVA在20/10或更好)占16.0%。

    No eye lost more than 1 line of low contrast , glare , and best spectacle corrected visual acuity ( BSCVA ) . Supernormal vision ( BSCVA of 20 / 10 or better ) was achieved in 16.0 % of eyes .