
  1. 我们可不想他杵在这一整天。是吧?

    We didn 't want him here all day , did we .

  2. 他把这些东西混合,用杵捣成一个女人的形状。

    These he grinds together with a pestle cast in the shape of a woman .

  3. 现在,他在剥坚果的时候会使用一台大理石臼及一把捣杵,或是一把木质锤子。

    These days , he uses a marble mortar and pestle or a woodworking mallet when he needs to crack nuts .

  4. 用来装铜杵、水保瓶、日月杵的一个盒子!

    Used for copper clubbing , conservation of the sun , a box clubbing !