
  • 网络Star Trails
  1. 12.利用单脉冲星定轨方法,在X射线脉冲星导航试验阶段具有重要的实际意义。

    The orbit determination by a single pulsar is very useful in the test phase of X-ray pulsar navigation .

  2. 本文介绍全球星低轨移动卫星通信系统的设计思想、技术体系和终端设备以及目前的实施情况。

    The design principles , technical terminal equipment and the implementation of the LEO satellite - based mobile communications system are described in this article .

  3. 但不同脉冲星的定轨误差从几公里至几十公里不等,精度不稳定。

    But in this case the orbit precision is not stable , varying from several kilometer to tens of kilometers .

  4. 计算机仿真结果说明:整个算法能根据较短弧段的测量数据计算用户星的初轨轨道,并保证一定的精度。

    The result of computer simulation shows that the algorithm can calculate the preliminary orbit of user satellite correctly with finite measurement data in short orbit arc .

  5. 星载GPS低轨卫星跟踪数据的建模与仿真

    Modelling and Simulation of Tracing Data of LOW-ORBIT Satellites Based on GPS

  6. 星载GPS定轨是目前卫星大地测量研究的热点之一。

    GPS-based orbit determination is nowadays one of the hotspots in satellite geodesy studies .

  7. 基于平方根推广卡尔曼滤波的星载GPS定轨

    Satellite orbit determination with onboard GPS observations based on square root extended Kalman filtering

  8. 一种新的综合Kalman滤波及其在星载GPS低轨卫星定轨中的应用

    A Comprehensive Kalman Filtering and Its Application to GPS-based Orbit Determination for LEOs

  9. 精密卫星钟差加密方法及其对星载GPS低轨卫星定轨精度影响

    Densification Methods of GPS Satellite Clock Errors and Their Impact on Orbit Determination Precision of LEOs

  10. 无准确初轨信息时星载GPS低轨卫星定轨方法研究

    Research on methods of low-earth satellites orbit determination based on GPS without accurate preliminary orbit position

  11. 基于双频P码的星载GPS低轨卫星相对定轨研究

    A Study of Relative Orbit Determination for Low Earth Orbiters Based on Dual Frequency P Codes of Onboard GPS Receiver

  12. 基于双频观测值的星载GPS低轨卫星定轨中模糊度求解方案研究

    A Study of Ambiguity Resolution Scheme for GPS-based Orbit Determination for Low-earth Satellites Based on Dual-frequency Observations

  13. 星载GPS低轨卫星运动学定轨及研究进展选取运动学变量即空间轨道根数作为状态变量。

    Methods and Progress on Kinematic Orbit Determination of LEOs Based on GPS Kinematic variables are orbit elements of spacecraft .

  14. 平方根滤波/平滑/双向滤波在LEO星载GPS定轨中的应用

    Applications of Square Root Filtering / Smoothing / Bidirectional Filtering on GPS-based Orbit Determination for LEO

  15. 星载GPS定轨技术能够进行连续观测,且具有一定的精度,是进行精密定轨的重要途径之一。

    GPS-based orbit determination technology an important a way for precise orbit determination , and it has the ability for continuous observation .

  16. 在研究星载GPS低轨卫星系统的基础上,建立了星载GPS低轨卫星跟踪数据的仿真模型,编制了相应的计算机程序。

    On the basis of deep investigation on the system of low-earth satellites based on GPS , simulated models of tracing data are built .

  17. 分析了星载GPS定轨的误差源及IGS所提供的星历的精度,研究了GPS卫星钟差在星载GPS低轨卫星定轨中的应用问题。

    The error sources in GPS-based orbit determination and the accuracies of GPS satellite ephemerides are analyzed . The usage of GPS clock offsets in GPS-based orbit determination is discussed .

  18. 卫星自主定轨中轨道摄动仿真组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨方法

    An Autonomous Orbit Determination Method for Satellite Star Sensors with Large Field of View

  19. 基于双星定位系统和星敏感器的低轨卫星自主定轨方法研究

    Research on Autonomous LEO Orbit Determination Method Based on the Double Star Positioning System and Star Sensor

  20. 低轨星实时自主定轨新方法&积分滤波法

    A New Method for Real Time Autonomous Orbit Determination of LEO Satellite & Method of Integral and Filter

  21. 野外自主车陆地组合导航系统研究组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨方法

    INTEGRATED LAND NAVIGATION SYSTEM OF AUTOMOBILES An Autonomous Orbit Determination Method for Satellite Star Sensors with Large Field of View

  22. 按照齐塔人的说法,孪星和地球共轨,但通常躲在太阳的后边。

    The Dark Twin , per the Zetas , shares the Earth 's orbit but is normally hidden behind the Sun .

  23. 简化DDF算法及其在单星对星无源定轨跟踪中的应用

    Simplified DDF Algorithm and the Application for Satellite-to-Satellite Passive Orbit Determination and Tracking

  24. 在单星对星无源定轨跟踪中,仅测角方法的滤波收敛时间较长且精度不高。

    In satellite-to-satellite passive orbit determination and tracking , the bearing-only method has long convergence time and large location errors .

  25. 基于径向运动信息的单星对星快速无源定轨跟踪方法研究

    Research of Satellite-to-Satellite Fast Passive Orbit Determination and Tracking from Radial motion Measurements

  26. 阐述当今天体力学前沿课题中的几个热点问题:近地小行星与地球的交会及其动力演化,航天器定轨新手段中的星-星跟踪自主定轨方法以及星际探测中的轨道力学问题。

    This paper discussed some hotspots in the advanced field of celestial mechanics : asteroids encountering the earth and its dynamical evolvement , method of autonomy orbit determination with satellite-satellite tracking which is one of the latest methods and orbit dynamical problems in interplanetary probe .

  27. 为实现主从式卫星编队飞行中心星与环绕星的自主定轨,采用微波雷达测量卫星间相对距离、距离速率、方位角和仰角。

    To realize the autonomous of master satellite and tributary satellite in forming with one master satellite and several secondary satellites , the relative range , range rate , azimuth and elevation were measured through microwave radar in this paper .

  28. 叙述了利用组合大视场星敏感器确定地心的方法;组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨中的星光折射

    The earth center determination method is described ; The Starlight Refraction in Autonomous Orbit Determination for Satellite By Large Field of View Star Sensors