
  • 网络night scene;night shot;NIGHTSHOT
  1. 猫头鹰夜间捕食小鸟。B门适应于夜景拍摄或其它需较长曝光时间景物的拍摄。

    Bulb photography is used for shooting night scenes , or other images with long exposure times .

  2. B门适应于夜景拍摄或其它需较长曝光时间景物的拍摄。但你不会有时间用随身带的照相机拍摄风景照。

    Bulb photography is used for shooting night scenes , or other images with long exposure times . But you won 't have time for scenic snapshots .

  3. 夜景模式拍摄的照片甚至更加惊艳。

    Night mode shots are even more impressive .