
yè sè
  • the dim light of night
夜色 [yè sè]
  • [ dim light of night] 夜晚的景色

  • 夜色苍茫

夜色[yè sè]
  1. 她凝视着外面黑沉沉的夜色。

    She peered out into the blackness of the night .

  2. 他们设法在夜色掩护下逃跑了。

    They managed to escape under cover of darkness .

  3. 随着夜色渐深,她越来越紧张。

    As the evening wore on , she became more and more nervous .

  4. 随着夜色加深,他说话越来越前言不搭后语了。

    As the evening progressed , he became increasingly incoherent

  5. 鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。

    There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night .

  6. 夜色降临。

    Night falls . ; Darkness falls .

  7. 夜色笼罩着那些山谷。

    In these valleys night reigns .

  8. 夜色凄迷。

    It was a dreary and hazy night .

  9. 夜色苍茫。

    The shades of dusk are deepening .

  10. 然而,这不仅仅是一幅描绘夜色中的两艘船的画。

    The picture , however , is more than just a painting of two boats in the evening .

  11. 晚上又沐浴着温馨柔和的夜色。

    The melting tenderness of night .

  12. 夜色深沉,狂风肆虐,暴雨倾盆。

    Dark and tempestuous was night .

  13. 多年前的一个晚上,我在宁静的夜色中乘船经过某个大都市。

    One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night .

  14. 而这一步,对于理解《夜色温柔》这部小说,以及研究F·司格特·菲茨杰拉德在二十世纪二十年代后期及三十年代的长篇小说创作理念和风格都具有重要的意义。

    And that step is important to the research of both F. Scott Fitzgerald 's literature ideas and his style from late 1920s to 1930s .

  15. F·菲茨拉德长篇小说《夜色温柔》(TenderistheNight,1934)通过一个有为青年失败和沉沦的故事,隐喻了科学理性束缚人性,文明必将付出代价的主题。

    Through a promising youth 's failure and fall , Tender is the Night unearths its metaphorical theme that scientific reason fetters humanity and civilization is bound to pay .

  16. 通过五个部分的论述,论文得出了这样的结论:《夜色温柔》的1951版实际上代表着F·司格特·菲茨杰拉德想要解决小说1934版所产生的种种问题时所走出的第一步。

    According to these five chapters , the dissertation concludes that the 1951 's actually is the first step that Fitzgerald took when he wanted to solve the problems the 1934 's had brought .

  17. 所以,在今年新年前夜午夜后不久,我从马克斯(Max)和阿里(Ari)的派对上出来,把十根香烟留在大堂的暖气片上。为了祈求好运,我点燃第11根烟,吸着它走进夜色里。

    And so shortly after midnight this New Year 's Eve , I left my 10 cigarettes on the lobby radiator on my way out of Max and Ari 's party , lit the 11th for good luck and smoked it out into the night .

  18. 我回去取了鞋,用手机给亚帕打了电话,从寺院开车驶进城市上方的山麓,赶往夜色中的海尔格富丽酒店(Helga’sFolly)。

    I did so , called Mr. Yapa on my cellphone and together we drove from the temple into the hills above the city , where I was due for an evening at Helga 's Folly .

  19. 论《夜色温柔》中美国梦的破灭

    On the Collapse of American Dream in Tender is the Night

  20. 马车从夜色中驶来并停了下来。

    Then the carriage came out of the darkness and stopped .

  21. 他打开门,进入夜色之中。

    He opened the door and stepped out into the night .

  22. 这对恋人被夜色的美丽陶醉了。

    The couple were intoxicated by the beauty of the night .

  23. 夜有一种颜色,叫做夜色。

    One kind of color , named dim light of night .

  24. 一阵邪风趁夜色从云端吹来。

    That the wind came out of the cloud by night .

  25. 夜色渐渐降临,瑞雪纷飞。

    Snow falling and night falling fast , oh , fast .

  26. 他走出来,溶入到夜色与飞旋的雪花中去。

    He stepped out into the night and the whirling snow .

  27. 整夜里,天使和魔鬼在交战。时值夜色深沉,四周漆黑,令人胆战心惊。

    All night long , the Arch-angel combated with the Demon .

  28. 在这撩人的夜色里,你看我有多撩人。

    You see how beautiful I am in the soft moonlight .

  29. 裘德说了一声再见,就投到昏暗的夜色里去了。

    Jude said good-bye , and went away into the darkness .

  30. 试析《夜色温柔》的现代主义艺术风格

    An Analysis of the Modern Style in Tender Is the Night