
  • 网络yangtze river water
  1. 用超滤膜处理长江水

    Ultrafiltration of Yangtze River water

  2. 听,那奔流不息,滚滚而来的长江水如乳汁滋养了这片神奇的土地,养育着的民族。

    Listening , always pour it , rolling in the Yangtze River water from milk such as the general nourishment of this magical land , raising a great nation .

  3. 长江水下三角洲表层沉积的REE受到粒径和盐度的双重控制。

    Both desorption and grain size control REE in the surface sediments of the subaqueous Yangtze delta .

  4. 于是我加入了GreenpowerProgram和“2010行动·现在国际青少年保护长江水资源计划”并成立了一个Family小组。

    That is why I joined the Greenpower Program and " 2010 Move – Modern International Youth Protect the Long River Resources Program ", and founded a family group .

  5. LeicaGPS500系统在长江水下地形数字测绘中的应用

    Appliance of Leica GPS 500 system in digital mapping of underwater Geomorphy in Changjiang River

  6. 研究了Zn、Al及Zn-Al合金在不同温度条件下的长江水和自来水中的腐蚀性能及电极电位变化规律;

    In this paper , corrosion potential and corrosion resistance of Zn ? Al and Zn ~ Al alloy in water of yangtze river and tap water of the city at different temperatures have been studied .

  7. 长江水下三角洲现代沉积速率厘定的新途径:季节性Bio-Si记录

    A New Method to Evaluating Sedimentary Rate on the Yangtze River Subaqueous Delta : Seasonal Sedimentary Record of Bio-Si

  8. 长江水上交通安全存在的主要问题及对策

    Problems and countermeasures to the current traffic safety of Yangtze River

  9. 长江水下三角洲的动力沉积

    Dynamic sedimentation in the subaqueous Yangtze ( changjiang ) Delta

  10. 城陵矶穿越长江水下软硬不均地层隧道修建技术

    Construction Technology of Chenglingji Yangtze River Crossing Tunnel in Hard-Soft Heterogeneous Ground

  11. 建立长江水上交通安全管理新机制的研究

    The Research on the Establishment of Changjiang River 's Transportation Safety Mechanism

  12. 高油价对长江水上安全的影响

    The high oil price affects Tang Weizhong to the Yangtze River aquatic

  13. 现代长江水下三角洲的浅地层结构及其沉积环境

    Shallow stratigraphic texture of the Changjiang submarine Delta and its depositional setting

  14. 长江水下三角洲浅孔岩芯的地层划分

    Stratigraphic division of cores from shallow holes in Changjiang River Subaqueous Delta

  15. 长江水沙变化发展趋势

    Variation trend of runoff and sediment load in Yangtze River

  16. 基于无线传输技术的长江水上安全预警系统研究

    Research on Early-warning System of Yangtze River Based on Wireless Transmission Technology

  17. 长江水下三角洲沉积特征与发展趋势

    Sedimentary Features and Evolutionary Trend of Subaqueous Changjiang River Delta

  18. 我计划今天去长江水世界去玩。

    We planned to go to Changjiang Water World to play today .

  19. 关于长江水资源保护问题

    The policies and strategies for protection of water resources of the Yangtze River

  20. 以长江水为水源的大型水处理系统的设计

    Design on Large Water Treatment System Taking Yangtse River Water as Water Source

  21. 三峡工程与长江水资源利用

    The Three Gorges Project and Water Resources Utilization of the Yangtze River Basin

  22. 长江水资源保护的法律体系及其完善

    Legal System of the Protection of The Yangtze River Water Resource and its Perfection

  23. 眼前只剩茫茫的长江水,奔流天边。

    All that remains is the boundless Yangtze River , flowing on towards heaven .

  24. 长江水下三角洲是一个以径、潮流相互作用为主的沉积体。

    The subaqueous Changjiang River delta has its own distinctive depositional processes and products .

  25. 引来长江水惠泽齐鲁地

    Water from the Yangtze River Favors Shandong

  26. 关于沉管法修建长江水下隧道若干问题的研究

    Study on the problems of building the Yangtze River underwater tunnel by immersed tube method

  27. 梯级水库对长江水沙过程影响初探

    Preliminary study on the change of water flow and sediment process in the Changjiang River

  28. 利用长江水作热泵系统冷热源的技术分析

    Technical Analysis on Using Yangtze River Water as Cold and Heat Sources of Heat Pump

  29. 因子分析和聚类分析在长江水污染综合评价中的应用

    Application of Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis to Water Quality Comprehensive Evaluation on Yangtze River

  30. 第三章分析了长江水上交通安全管理的现状和存在的主要问题;

    Chapter 3 analyzed present condition and key problem of Yangtze River water transportation safety .