
  1. 同样,据说多吃猪肉也在她的长寿秘诀清单里。

    It should also be said though , that eating plenty of pork is on her list too .

  2. “长寿圈”里其他人则倾向于于将他们的器官冷冻起来,等到再生技术充分发展之时再将其解冻。

    Others in the community are settling for cryogenic freezing , in the hopes that they can be thawed once regenerative science has sufficiently advanced .

  3. 豆类是有名的高纤维,这是世界上几乎每一个长寿的角落里的人的饮食习惯。

    Beans are notorious for their high fiber content and are a part of the diet of people from almost every corner of the globe who live long and well .

  4. 川东石炭系中的天然气属于油型气,初为原油,曾经聚集于印支运动中形成的梁平&长寿古隆起带里,形成油藏。

    The Carboniferous natural gas in eastern Sichuan is of cracked gas which had been accumulated , originally as oil , in Liangping-Changshou palaeohigh belt that was formed by Indosinian movement .