
yè lái xiāng
  • tuberoser;cordate telosma;night willow herb
夜来香 [yè lái xiāng]
  • [cordate telosma;tuberoser] 多年生缠绕藤本,叶对生,卵圆状心脏形。夏秋开花,黄绿色,香气夜间更盛,所以叫做夜来香

夜来香[yè lái xiāng]
  1. 如果一个人白天的心也很沉静,就会发现夜来香、桂花、七里香,在酷热的中午也是香的。

    If a performer during heart also very personal silent , will find cordate telosma , osmanthus , church , in the heat of the noon is sweet .

  2. 我的L……看见过夜来香在十二月开放……正好有堵墙挡住了凛冽的寒风。

    My L. .. has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind .

  3. 他告诉我,夜来香白天也有香味,只不过是无人嗅到它。

    He told me , tuberose perfumes by day either , while nobody merely catches it .

  4. 说起夜来香,我还有一个小小的美好的回忆,闹出了笑话。

    Speaking of Tuberose , I have fond memories of a small , sudden , a joke .

  5. 有些生命就像夜来香,生命的末期才会最美丽的绽放&谚语。

    Some lives , like evening primroses , blossom most beautifully in the evening of life & Proverb .

  6. 前言:目的:探讨夜来香正丁醇提取物对小鼠的镇痛作用。

    Objective : To study the analgesic effect of Cestrum Nocurnum n-Butyl alcohol ( CNB ) extract on a mouse model .

  7. 夜来香正丁醇提取物抗心律失常的研究香水莲花醇提取物对酪氨酸酶抑制作用的研究

    Effect of Cestrum Nocturnum n-Butyl Alcohol Extract on Antiarrhythmia Study on inhibition of ethanol extract from nymphaea hybrid on the activity of tyrosinase

  8. 目的:探讨夜来香提取物对小鼠的镇痛作用,为临床疼痛治疗寻找新药。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the analgesic effect of CNL extract on mice , so as to find new drugs for clinical treatment of pain .

  9. 药品:夜来香提取物由沈阳药科大学植化教研室提供(药品批号:2002080901);

    Drugs : CNL extract was provided by the Department of Phytochemistry , Shenyang Pharmaceutical University ( batch number : 2002080901 ), morphine hydrochloride injection by Shenyang No.

  10. 为了来年再种夜来香,爷爷让我去摘夜来香的花籽,夜来香的花籽黑色,约有黄豆粒大小。

    For the coming year kinds of evening primrose , Grandpa let me Quzhai Tuberose 's Seed , the Seed Evening Primrose black , about the size of soybean grain .

  11. 红色郁金香的倩影被绒缎般光滑的玫瑰原精、忍冬、栀子花瓣及夜来香的触感浓浓围绕。

    Middle Notes : The signature core of whimsical Red Tulips is surrounded by a velvety array of Rose Absolute , Wild Honeysuckle , Gardenia Petals and a touch of Tuberose .

  12. 如果我们惦记夜来香的清香,只有夜晚走到有夜来香的庭院游逛。人们整夜痛饮香槟酒。

    If we want to ? smell ? the evening primrose , you have to take a walk at night around a garden ? which has ? evening primroses . The champagne flowed all night .