
  • Almost a Love Story;Comrades,Almost a Love Story;Sweet Honey;very sweet;sweet;happy;comfortable
甜蜜蜜 [tián mì mì]
  • (1) [very sweet]∶味道同蜜一样甜

  • (2) [sweet;happy; comfortable]∶指感觉甜美、快乐

  1. 1996年的《甜蜜蜜》:张曼玉(MaggieCheung)和黎明(LeonLai)主演,陈可辛(PeterChan)导演,是一个有关内地人适应香港生活的故事。

    ' Comrades : Almost a Love Story ' ( 1996 ): Starring Maggie Cheung and Leon Lai , the Peter Chan-directed film is about mainland Chinese adapting to life in Hong Kong .

  2. 她浑身上下都是甜蜜蜜,软绵绵的,象蜂蜜那样。

    Everything about her was sweet , pale , like honey .

  3. 汤姆虽然感到耳朵很疼,但心里却是甜蜜蜜的。

    But although tom 's ear tingled , his heart was jubilant .

  4. 爱情之花在他们之间盛放,甜蜜蜜啊~

    Love did bloom between this couple , isn 't it sweet ?

  5. 为了这个特殊节目,这些甜蜜蜜的糖果都会包在白色的盒子里。

    These sweet candies are wrapped in white boxes for this special day .

  6. 莉娅:甜蜜蜜的,我很喜欢。

    Leah : Honestly , I 'd like that .

  7. 她眉清目秀,微笑起来甜蜜蜜的,十分迷人;

    her features were all good ; her smile was sweet and attractive ;

  8. 爱之——甜蜜蜜这不是童话,而是一个真爱的故事。

    Sweetness It is not a fairy tale , it is a true love story .

  9. 心中甜蜜蜜的。

    In heart honey honey sweetness .

  10. 那天晚上,他们在楼梯口甜甜蜜蜜地分开了,克莱尔上楼进了他的阁楼。

    They parted tenderly that night on the landing , and Clare ascended to his attic .

  11. 其中包括水分!但是这种甜蜜蜜的物质是蜜蜂恩赐给我们许多种产品中之一。

    But this sweet substance is just one of the many products given to us by bees .

  12. 你可以利用隐私设置并保持你的交际圈在一定的范围,这样可以维持你的甜蜜蜜的爱情生活。

    You can keep Facebook from ruining your love life by utilizing privacy settings and keeping your friendship pool small .

  13. 卖弄在社交网上的进展,跟新朋友分享口香糖,还有啥比这些更甜蜜蜜!

    Nothing could be sweeter than showing off your social networking progress than celebrating a new friend with some fresh gum .

  14. 注意,就是从《甜蜜蜜》这首歌以后,邓丽君的大幅海报开始在中国家庭出现,流行音乐也开始在中国发展起来。

    Pay attention , it was right after this song , Denglijun 's large poster began to appear in every household and pop music began it 's way in China .

  15. 在伦敦举行的香港电影周,展映了在英国首次公映的得奖电影甜蜜蜜,该片导演陈可辛也有出席电影周的盛大开幕礼。

    The HK film week in London featured the UK premiere of the award-winning film , comrades-almost a love story , with film director Peter Chan attending the gala opening .

  16. 一晚上的阵阵笑声和甜蜜蜜的流行歌曲,《祭坛男孩》让我一直哼著他们的歌曲,直到他们离开此地,转往下一个演唱地点之后很久很久。

    An evening of laughter and charmingly sweet pop songs , the Altar Boyz will leave me humming to their tunes long after they have departed for the next stop on their tour .

  17. 南希,我亲爱的,费金冲着一位女孩甜蜜蜜地笑着说,你能不能去看看奥利弗现在怎么样了?

    ' Nancy , my dear , ' Fagin said . He smiled sweetly at one of The young ladies . ' Can you go to find out what 's happened to Oliver ? '