
  • 网络Sweet lemon
  1. 这就叫“甜柠檬心理”。

    This is called “ sweet lemon psychology ” .

  2. 甜柠檬一词来源于一句俗语:“生活给你柠檬,就榨柠檬汁吧。”意思是在最坏的情况下尽力做到最好,就算要往柠檬汁里倒进许多糖直到它味道变甜。

    The term sweet lemon comes from the saying , " When life hands you lemons , make lemonade . " It means making the best of a bad situation , even if it involves mixing lemons with cuploads of sugar until they actually taste sweet .

  3. 甜柠檬的反义词就是酸葡萄(吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸)。

    It is the equal opposite of sour grapes .

  4. 食用纤维、肠道益菌、果酸镁、有机天然甜柠檬香味。

    Dietary fiber , Beneficial bacteria , Magnesium Citrate , Certified organic Natural Sweet Lemon Flavor .

  5. 如果上帝给你一个酸柠檬,你能做的就是把它变成一杯甜柠檬汁。

    If God gives you a lemon , the one thing you can do is making the lemon to be a sweet lemon juice .

  6. 中村和她的团队把一根电线连接于一个9伏特的电池上,然后将这跟电线穿过一根插在甜柠檬水中的吸管。

    Nakamura and her team connected a wire to a 9-volt battery and threaded it through a straw placed in a cup of sweet lemonade .

  7. 这是一个5星级产品膏状甜柠檬奶油味儿,在你手上划过去就让指甲变美丽。

    This is a5-star item and that 's all there is to it . Creamy , sweet lemon-custard smell and it slides onto your cuticles and nails beautifully .

  8. 我也吃了泰国草药乌贼&和意大利炸鱿鱼有点像,但却以甜辣柠檬汁为蘸酱。

    I tried Thai herb calamari – like Italian fried squid but served with a sweet spicy lemon sauce .

  9. 松酥的、甜的柠檬鸡蛋混合物,上撒糖果,和果酱、葡萄酒或果汁同吃。

    Puffy mildly sweet lemon-flavored egg mixture sprinkled with confectioners ' sugar and served with jam or a wine or fruit sauce .