
  • 网络Washington Navel;washington navel orange;Washingtonnavel
  1. 以环己酮为内标,利用SPME-GC-MS半定量法测定了红肉脐橙和华盛顿脐橙不同成熟期果皮和果肉中主要香气物质的含量变化。

    Contents of the main volatiles from Cara Cara and Washington navel orange flavedo and pulp during different stages of maturity were determined using semi-quantitative method by SPME-GC-MS , which utilized cyclohexanone as the internal standard .

  2. 6-苄胺嘌呤和赤霉素控制华盛顿脐橙生理落果的研究

    Studies on 6-Benzylaminopurine and gibberellin in controlling physiological drop of Washington navel orange

  3. 华盛顿脐橙花精油化学成分研究

    Analysis on chemical composition of ethereal oil extracted from flower of Washington naval

  4. 华盛顿脐橙品系引种初报

    Preliminary report of the introduction of Washington navel strains

  5. 华盛顿脐橙胚珠愈伤组织的诱导及耐盐性研究

    Studies on Callus Induction and Its Salt Endurance from Ovules of Washington Navel Orange

  6. 华盛顿脐橙胚珠的离体胚培养及植株再生

    In Vitro Embryo Culture from Ovule and Plantlet Regeneration of Citrus sinensis var. brasiliensis

  7. 采前喷钙和套袋对华盛顿脐橙果皮病变的影响

    Effects of Bagging and Preharvest Calcium Spray on Fruit Blotch of Washington Navel Orange Peel

  8. 果实于11月中下旬成熟,座果率较华盛顿脐橙高。

    The fruit ripen in middle-late November , fruit-setting ratio is higher than that of Washington Navel Orange .

  9. 华盛顿脐橙果实采后油胞病害与酶活性的相关性

    Study on the Relationship between Enzymatic Activity and Oil Spotting ( Oleocellosis ) Infection of Postharvest Washington Navel Orange Peel

  10. 华盛顿脐橙果皮和果肉d-柠檬烯则呈现出几乎一致的变化趋势,即先升高后再降低的变化趋势。

    As for the Washington navel orange , the content of d-limonene from its flavedo and pulp shared an almost identical trend , which increased at the early mature stage and then decreased . This indicated that the aroma in different citrus varieties presented diverse variation patten .